beneficios del yin yoga
Surya Namaskar- Side view of a fit young man exercising by the sea

SHA Magazine Fitness

What is Yin Yoga?

SHA Wellness Clinic
February 8, 2016

Yoga is a trendy sport which offers several benefits for health. However, when someone wants to start practicing, often gets lost face to so many different kinds of yoga. With this post, we will discover what yin yoga is.


A deeper yoga

Yin Yoga consists in keeping postures during a quite long time, between 4 and 7 minutes generally. It is possible to use bricks, cushions or blankets to help maintain the asanas. The goal is to make the connective tissues and joints work deeply to forget the tensions that we accumulate during the day, to empty the mind and to reequilibrate the energy. Yin Yoga symbolizes the meditation, the profundity and the immobility and it is opposite to Yang Yoga which represents action, superficiality and move. Both are useful to live well and are complementary.



Yin Yoga is good for anyone but particularly recommended to people who suffer back and hip pains. Physically, it gives a greater flexibility, a joints and ligaments’ relief, a better blood circulation. Mentally, it permits stress evacuation, an important spirit’s relaxation, it develops autoobservation and autoknowledge capacity.


For men also

As other kind of yoga, yin yoga is practiced by a majority of women. It still suffers a false image that makes think that is a sport only for women. The truth is that men also can get great benefits from yin yoga practice.

1) Mens are not used to have a lot of flexibility but with yin yoga postures it can be improved.

2) It permits to increase fertility since some postures help to stimulate the energy flow to the reproductive organs.

3) For men who practice an endurance sport at high level, it permits to prevent injuries since the exercises focus on the low part of the body and especially on hips. Moreover, the fact of maintaining the postures for several minutes has a dramatic effect on the inflamed muscles and joints.


Yin Yoga is only one of the different kinds of yoga, here you can discover what is hatha and bikram yoga.


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