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SHA Magazine Health & Beauty
Something fun you are going to do in the day, someone you will meet. Search (and find) the positive side of every day despite how lazy you feel to get out of bed and get to the office. Do not count the days, make every day count.
Stretching comes after thinking. You don’t eve have to get out of bed. Roll over the sheets, stretch legs and arms, your back… And if you feel brave enough, try sun salutation yoga pose!
Or the radio while having breakfast or having a shower. Anything that makes you smile. It’s amazing the energy that we can get from laughing.
Stop for a moment every day to think how lucky you are to have what you have rather than whining about what you don’t have.
Literally. Stop a while as you work, as you clean, as you walk… and breathe. Notice how you were breathing, ragged, quickly and take the time to take deep breaths to clear up your mind completely and relax your body.
Not only in material matters. Put yourself in the place of others and try to make their lives more pleasant, so will yours.
Do without what you know that hurts you and eliminate what you know that does not do any good to your stomach. We are what we eat, so if you eat better, you will feel better too.
You promise the same every year… twice: in January and September.
Try this time to true and you won’t regret. You’ve already heard and read about it a thousand times: sport will help you feel better, be more active and happier. But if you are not 100% motivated and put enough intensity in your workouts, it will be difficult to notice the changes.
We’re not encouraging go shopping at all. With a whim we mean to have a hot bath, to have something special for dinner, a yummy dessert… something that makes you feel that the day was worthwhile and let you go to sleep happy and satisfied.
…what you’ve accomplished that day. Setting goals and try to comply with all your strength. The satisfaction of achieving them is juts amazing.
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