
10 tips to live healthier and happier
10 tips to live healthier and happier

SHA Magazine SHA Magazine

10 tips to live healthier and happier

October 22, 2013

To live happier means to be healthier

Normally we share many tips and recipes for living a healthy life… but happiness also has to do with health. Multiple research shows that happy people live healthier and vice versa, as the health and welfare provide us happiness. Therefore, we share our 10 tips to be happy.

1. Create a life vision that excites you

Have a goal, know where you are going and move forward in that direction.

2. Create a plan for success

For any great project either personal or professional we need a plan of action. Write it down.

3. Create positive self-talk

Think positive. Don’t think about what you CAN’T do, but about all the things that you CAN do.

4. Select healthy food and learn to cook

Get rid of the poor quality food you already have in your kitchen. Read labels before you buy and stay away from anything and everything with a high concentration of sugar.

5. Slow down when you eat

Eating slowly and appreciating the textures and tastes is not just meditative, it increases the efficiency of the digestive system.

keep calm and eat slowly

6. Do something physical everyday day

Physical activity not only balances dietary intake but reduces stress by increasing endorphins, also known as “happiness hormone“.

sport everyday

7. Make time to meditate

Find a quiet place every day to just sit, relax and think of nothing. Trouble turning off brain chatter? Try repeating a mantra – Kenneth Prange suggests something like: “I am grateful for all the wonderful things in my life. I have no complaints.” Or, try visualize yourself in a wonderful relaxing environment surrounded by nature.

8. Unplug often

Think energy conservation but also electronic magnetic energy. Turn off your cell phone when you don’t need it.


9. Spend time in nature

Sit in your garden or under a tree in a nearby park. Listen to the sounds, feel the wind on your skin, smell the flowers…

10. Create a healthy home

Repair things instead of simply replacing. Oil a squeaky door, fix a leak, get rid of whatever is useless or unused.

healthy house

And as a bonus…

11. Have fun!

The main reason for creating health is to make life more enjoyable so take the time to schedule things that make you happy!

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