
SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

5 foods that will help you enhance your tan

SHA Wellness Clinic
August 7, 2014

How to keep your tan for a longer time

After a well-deserved summer holidays, one of our main objectives is the maintenance of the beautiful golden skin tone that we get during them; that is why today we show you which 5 foods will help you achieving and maintaining a healthy tan.

5 foods that will boost your tan:

Besides using the most appropriate sunscreen and drinking water to ensure a constant hydration of the skin, there are some foods that help in the maintenance of a healthy tan for a long time in a very natural way.


  1. Carrot: Our principal ally for preserving a healthy tan thanks to its high beta-carotene levels.
  2. Papaya: Like carrots, orange fruits and vegetables, such as papaya, help to enhance your tan naturally thanks to its high beta-carotene levels.
  3. Melon: This refreshing fruit, rich in antioxidants and beta-carotenes will help you to keep your golden skin tone.
  4. Broccoli: One of the most recommended vegetables for the maintenance of a healthy tan thanks to its great moisturizing properties.
  5. Whole Grains: Some whole grains such as spelt, buckwheat, millet, oats and quinoa are really beneficial helping in the maintenance of the tan thanks to its large amount of vitamins and nutrients.
Introduce this healthy foods in your diet and see for yourself the positive impact that they have on your skin ensuring a longer and natural tan.

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