
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

5 Key Summer Treatments

July 4, 2018

Summer is already here and we all want to feel and look our best. Whilst we’re advocates of following a healthy lifestyle throughout the year to avoid crash diets and last-minute fitness regimes, we do believe in stepping up our wellness game before summer to feel good in our skin.

Aside from following a healthy diet and exercising regularly, the wellness experts at SHA Wellness Clinic recommend complementing a balanced and healthy lifestyle with specialised treatments that tighten the skin, as well as reduce cellulite, accumulated fat and target problem areas.

Specialised treatments are especially recommended for women, as they frequently suffer from these issues, even when they eat healthily, exercise and take care of their skin. Because of their physiognomy, there is an increased tendency to suffer from cellulite, circulation problems, liquid retention and fat accumulation in the abdomen, thighs and glutes. As a solution, the expert’s advice solving these issues with highly effective specialized non-invasive treatments that target problem areas and provide instant results.

The wellness clinic experts at SHA Wellness Clinic have shared the best treatments to improve circulation, eliminate liquid retention, remove cellulite, tighten the skin and eliminate fat in the body. These are the most effective treatments in the market that provide a noticeable difference from the first treatment.

The best summer treatments:

  1. Electric lymphatic drainage: innovative method that combats the build-up of toxins in the body. The electrical pulses enhance the natural functions of the lymphatic system, speed up the metabolism to reduce volume, eliminate water retention, reduce cellulite and improve body sculpting.
  2. Pressotherapy: stimulates the circulatory system, enhances lymphatic drainage and helps eliminate liquids, fats and toxins that cause cellulite, oedemas, lymphedema and venous disorders such as varicose veins.
  3. Shrinking Violet Body Wrap: this method activates the lipolysis process, eliminating unwanted fat without effort or discomfort. It provides immediate and lasting slimming and body shape effects helping lose inches in problem areas such as the thighs, hips and stomach, among others.
  4. Indiba: non-invasive radio frequency treatment that shapes the silhouette, reduces cellulite, stretch marks and sagging, and firms the skin. Recommended sessions: 6
  5. Vela Shape III: contours, remodels, shapes and slims the body by improving cellulite and reducing circumference in as few as one treatment session. It provides dramatic results without downtime or significant discomfort.

Additionally, the fitness experts at SHA recommend complementing these treatments with Reformer Pilates and Yoga to strengthen and lengthen the muscles.


Get your body summer ready at SHA with our most effective and innovative treatments!


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