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SHA Magazine Fitness
Back pain is a symptom everybody sometimes has suffered due to bad positions while sleeping, seating, lifting weight ore even walking. It can increase if we have a sedentary life or if we spend excessive hours in front of the computer.
In order to solve this problem and relieve pains we present 7 simple strengthening and stretching exercises to relieve back pain that can be practiced at home in less than fifteen minutes. You can make them at the morning or in the evening.
Knees to the chest
While lying on the back on the floor, bend one knee to the chest holding it with both hands. Keep this position for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Repeat this exercise for 10 times with each leg, trying to bring the knee each time closer to the chest.
Facing up
While lying on the back with both knees bent and feet on the floor, join both legs keeping the back and shoulders touching the floor.
Rotate your hip until your knees touch the floor and make it again to the other side. Repeat the exercise 5 times to each side.
Knee to the side
In the same position than above, bring your right leg to the left side of your body until your knee touches the floor. Hold it with your left hand while your right leg is stretch on the floor. Take your right arm stretch to the right side of the floor.
Keep this position 15 seconds and repite ir with the other knee. Repeat the exercise 5 times with each leg.
Feet to the chest
This exercise is similar to the first one but this time you have to bend both knees instead of one, taking them to the chest and keeping the position for 30 seconds.
On your knees
Get on your knees with your hand palms touching the floor and get down on your fours. Raise up your head and shoulders looking forward while pushing your low back and abdomen to the floor.
Then make the opposite movement and push your low back and abdomen as if you wanted to touch the roof. Repeat this exercise for 6 times.
Flexors stretches
While standing place your knee to the floor and bend your right leg placing your foot on the floor. Maintain this position for 10 seconds and then change to the other leg. Repeat this exercise 3 times.
Quadriceps stretches
Lying on your left side put your head over your left arm, stretch your left leg on the floor and bend your right leg backward until touching your buttocks.
Make the same exercise with the other leg and repeat it 3 times.
Practice these 7 stretching exercises to relieve back pain and you will feel the benefits!
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