
Beauty: Protect your hair in summer
Beauty: Protect your hair in summer

SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Beauty: Protect your hair in summer

July 1, 2014

Health and beauty: How to protect your hair against sun damage

Hair care is one of our main concerns throughout the year (the use of shampoos, hair masks, hair dryers and hair irons cause an intense damage in our hair); that is why during summer months, when the sun shines more intensely is really important to take care of the hair more closely to avoid the lost of glow and health on it.

How to protect your hair in summer

Tips for taking care of your hair in summer:
  • Black sesame: Taking a daily tablespoon of this healthy seed is essential for the protection of our hair thanks to its high levels of iron, calcium and Vitamin B. Advice: Crush the seeds of black sesame and mix them with a delicious organic fruit juice.
  • Using hats, scarves or turbans: Thanks to the use of this accessories we can prevent our scalp from burning or getting damaged.
  • Carrot, Pumpkin and Papaya: Fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotenes are really beneficial for our hair as they help to protect and strengthen it when the rays of sunlight are more intense.
  • Hydration: Besides drinking water, essential for keeping our hair and organism hydrated, also is very important to apply natural hair masks to provide an extra hair care. Here we show you how to prepare a homemade hair mask of papaya and sesame oil.
DIY: Natural hair mask of papaya and sesame oil

Natural hair masks are the best remedy to protect our hair against external damages as harmful as sun; so today, we show you how to prepare a beneficial homemade natural hair mask based on papaya and sesame oil. You will love it!

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Ingredients for the hair mask:

  • Papaya
  • Sesame Oil
  • Agave Syrup
Preparation of the hair mask:
  1. Peel the papaya, wash and remove the excess water.
  2. Beat the papaya and add one tablespoon of agave syrup and two tablespoon of sesame oil.
  3. Wet the hair and apply the obtained mixture.
  4. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse your hair.
Advice: For getting fantastic results, apply this homemade natural mask once a week. You will soon see the results!
Keep an eye on this tips guide to protect your hair this summer and get a glowing hair during this hot months.

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