
SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Daikon: the purifying Japanese radish to help you control your weight

SHA Wellness Clinic
January 25, 2022
This root, packed with nutrients, fibre, minerals and vitamins, is a powerful tool for both detox programmes and weight loss diets.

Daikon is one of the fundamental ingredients of SHA nutrition for the multitude of health benefits it provides. In Japanese, it means “big root” and that is precisely what it is: a large root that sinks deep into the earth in search of nutrients. As Marina Domene, nutritionist at SHA Wellness Clinic, tells us, “white in colour and elongated in shape, daikon belongs to the radish family and is a very healthy food recommended both in detox and slimming programmes. Moreover, including it in diets is a good idea at this time of year because it helps the body to find internal balance and eating it regularly prevents respiratory infections, such as colds”.

Also known as Japanese radish or white radish, it has multiple purifying, diuretic, digestive and decongestant benefits. “It’s a food rich in fibre, fat-soluble vitamins and essential minerals, such as sodium and magnesium, so it helps to reduce fluid retention, improves the state of the intestinal microbiota, digestion and kidney function, is very good for the liver and is very effective at dissolving fat deposits, which is why it is one of the star ingredients in weight loss and weight control programmes”, says the expert.

When it comes to cooking, daikon offers almost endless possibilities. It can be prepared in many ways (raw, steamed, steamed, simmered, grilled, pickled, dried, grated), making it the perfect addition or garnish for all kinds of dishes. It can be included in salads, stews, broths and cleansing juices, to enhance the flavour of miso soup and, in its dried version, it is used to make detox teas and infusions. Moreover, its fresh leaves can be eaten like any other vegetable, so absolutely nothing is wasted from daikon.

From the SHA kitchens, we have these healthy recipe suggestions to help you start discovering the extraordinary culinary versatility of daikon at home: a shiitake mushroom, daikon and chives broth, a purifying juice of daikon, carrots, golden apple, chard and ginger and a detox tea made from dried daikon.


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