
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Digestive and intestinal problems

SHA Wellness Clinic
May 13, 2021

Digestive and intestinal problems: the unknown after-effects of COVID-19

Clearly, gut health is paramount to maintaining a strong immune system. However, the COVID-19 virus not only affects the respiratory system: it can also affect multiple organs, including the digestive system, hence the importance of addressing gut health as prevention and treatment both during and after the onset of the virus.

COVID-19 can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain during the early stages of the disease. Therefore, diagnosis of gastrointestinal symptoms, as well as the composition of the microbiota, is key when it comes to determining biomarkers and proposing the best treatment.


Personalised treatments and healthy nutrition

SHA Wellness Clinic has decided to set up a special post-COVID-19 unit designed to effectively treat the virus’s after-effects or persistent symptoms, including those of a digestive nature.

Experts must decide on the best therapy to control the evolution of the digestive system. One of the most interesting is colon hydrotherapy. “All these discomforts can be treated through colon hydrotherapy, particularly through the combination of healthy eating and nutritional supplements that accompany this therapy at SHA”, says Dr. Vicente Mera, head of Internal Medicine at SHA Wellness Clinic.

Another measure to consider is a liver detox for post-medication cleansing. “This therapy, in which vitamins, minerals and trace elements are administered intravenously, is a very safe procedure, as protocols for replenishing nutrients using this method have been applied for many years with very positive results. By supplying vitamins and trace elements, we regulate the cellular nutritional systems”, says Dr Vicente Mera.

Intravenous detoxifying therapy is managed with different bioregulatory drugs that are applied in each serum to drain toxins and waste using the body’s usual methods. “It is applied as a slow infusion for approximately one hour with a variable frequency depending on the needs and the results of the liver ultrasound performed earlier at SHA”, continues Dr. Vicente Mera.

On the other hand, as Dr. Vicente Mera details, it is necessary to create a nutrition plan adapted to the patient’s profile. “Nutrition is the cornerstone of the patient’s recovery after suffering from COVID-19, providing prebiotics and probiotics in a natural way. In addition, the liver has to refine and detoxify everything we eat must, so we have to pay special attention to a diet that keeps the liver healthy”, says the SHA Wellness expert.

Some of the best foods for liver care are barley, cleansing vegetables, acidic fruits, apples, cabbage, nuts, seaweed, seeds, acidic condiments or pickles. The most recommended cooking methods for these foods are steaming, blanching, warm salads, etc.


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