
¿Sabemos qué comer? Béatrice d'Orléans en Yo Dona
¿Sabemos qué comer? Béatrice d’Orléans en Yo Dona

SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Do we know what to eat? Béatrice d’Orleans in Yo Dona Magazine

November 6, 2012

Last Saturday, Yo Dona (printed magazine that comes with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo) published an interesting debate about healthy diets and nutrition between our ambassador Princess Beatrice d’Orleans and Samantha Vallejo-Nájera.

According to the Spanish Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists, 7 in 10 women don’t sit relaxed at the table and don’t study carefully what they serve on their plate. And according to the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 80% of women under 40 prefer to be thin rather than healthy. Perhaps for this reason, in recent years there have appeared so many diets whose impact on our health is more than questionable. However, we must remember that “we are what we eat” and that our health should come first. We must analyze what is best for our body achieve it with a healthy diet.

To discuss this topic, Yo Dona chose two women whose lifes are related to nutrition. Béatrice d’Orleans, as you may know, is Ambassador of SHA Wellness Clinic and advocate for the macrobiotic diet, which reduces the consumption of animal protein, dairy, and certain foods considered too acidic, such as tomatoes or eggplants. Samantha Vallejo-Nájera, meanwhile, owns a successful catering business and she is a strong defender of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

Even with their differences, both have much in common, such as the rejection of the industrial products or the defense of the seasonal ingredients for a healthy diet. In the interview, Béatrice d’Orleans explained that normally you can’t follow a diet for more than two weeks: “SHA proposes, more than a diet, to learn to eat healthy, something that can be maintained throughout life.” Furthermore, Béatrice added that the balance in our diet is really important: “we must find ingredients that help us to adapt to our environment. Nutrition, like dress, is a cultural issue. You eat, make-up and dress according to where you live; you don’t do the same in a desert than in Alaska, we must adapt to the local climate and conditions “.

Here’s part of the interview in video (in Spanish):



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