
Fitness: Exercises for firmer arms
Fitness: Exercises for firmer arms

SHA Magazine Fitness

Fitness: Exercises for firmer arms

August 5, 2014

Get firmer arms with this workout routine

Just like the diet, exercise is essential for a healthy balance between our body and our organism; so today, we show you a workout routine for getting firmed and shaped arms, so you could get a healthier figure.

Workout routine:
  • Exercise 1 – Exercise for biceps and forearm
Stepping the rubber, pull it until the arm is flexed in an 90º angle. It is very important that your hands have to be placed in pronator position (with the wrist down). Repeat 4 times, 15 seconds each.
  • Exercise 2 – Exercise for triceps
With your arms outstretched, pull the rubber front and back. Repeat 4 times, 15 seconds each.
  • Exercise 3 – Exercise for shoulders
With the back turned, take the rubber and pull it until your arm is completely straight. Repeat 4 times, 15 seconds each.
  • Exercise 4 – Exercises for chest and shoulder
Stepping the rubber, alternate movements to the front and to the side. Repeat 4 times, 15 seconds each.
Complete your summer re-shape with this fantastic workout routine that you will love inmediately.

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