fernando sartorius
fernando sartorius

SHA Magazine SHA Magazine

Fitness Mentality. With Fernando Sartorius

SHA Wellness Clinic
January 16, 2015

Every year have new intentions to improve our lives, in this case the challenge that we offer you for 2015 is a new Fitness Mentality. Since this challenge is not easy, the personal trainer Fernando Sartorius will help us with some basic tips in order we can fulfill our intentions:

Tip 1:

Train with intensity

When we do exercise and don’t change it’s because we don’t do it with enough intensity

Tip 2:

The importance of the right food

Once you start doing exercise with intensity, your body will demand you to feed it with quality, that means with rich food in nutrients and low in calories

Tip 3:

How to loose localized fat

For it, it is necessary to do aerobic exercise 3 times per week during 30 minutes, also toning exercise 3 times per week during 30 minutes. Besides rich food in nutrients and low in calories


Tip 4:

Loosing or gaining weight?

We must change mentality, to fintess mentality.

From the Fitness department of SHA Wellness Clinic we can help you to incorporate a fitness mentality in your life. We hope that these tips have been useful, and that you can fulfill them this new year. It is never late to change!



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