
Get fit with the summer outdoor sports
Get fit with the summer outdoor sports

SHA Magazine Fitness

Get fit with the summer outdoor sports

June 17, 2014

Health: The most refreshing sports for your summer holidays

Increasingly, sport has become an essential part of our lives and summer is the perfect time to practice and try some outdoor sports that will help us to get fit in the most refreshing way.

Stay tunned to our summer outdoor sports list for this holiday and enjoy taking care of your health!


One of the most popular sports in the world, will help you getting benefits such as:

  • Increasement of the motor skills, memory, concentration and coordination
  • Increasement of the muscles’ tone, making higher the body resistance
  • Increasement of the body’s mobility and elasticity
  • Reducement of the backache problems
  • Improvement of the cardiorespiratory system activity
Paddle Surf or Stand Up Paddle

It has become one of the favorites sports of the summer and with good reason!

  • All of the muscles are used, improving their resistance, strength and tone.
  • Improvement of the balance and coordination.
  • Stimulation of the postural muscles, that help us in the maintenance of the balance, to prevent hips, knees, ankles and back problems.
  • Strengthening and toning of the core muscles that allow us to make any kind of physical activity.
  • High energy consumption.
  • Stimulation of the aerobic capacity.
  • Improvement of the body posture.

Summer sport: Paddle Surf

Jogging on the beach

Continue with your exercise routine during your summer holidays with the practice of beneficial and healthy sports like jogging, that will bring you benefits such as:

  • Improvement of the physical condition.
  • Releasement of endorphins, natural substances that help us to improve our mood.
  • Improvement of the anxiety, stress and tension levels.
  • Promotion of losing weight as jogging burns about 500Kcal/Hour at an average speed of 10Km/Hour.
  • Improvement of the blood circulation, helping in the maintenance of a healthy heart.
  • Releasement of toxins through sweat, helping to prevent cellulite and keeping a healthy body.

Summer sport: Jogging

Playing Beach Bats

Year after year beaches are full of people playing beach bats and thanks to this sport they get:

  • Increasement of the strength in arms, legs and abdomen muscles.
  • Coordination of the general and eye-hand dynamic.
  • Improvement of the physical resistance and burn calories.
  • Improvement of the speed and displacement reaction.



One of the most popular sports around the world and a great ally for your health.

  • Combination of aerobic workout with toning.
  • Improvement of the body’s coordination and balance.
  • Strengthening of arms, legs and glutes.
  • Releasement of endorphins and stress.

This sport has reached big popularity over the years and it has become a perfect entertainment for your summer holidays. Enjoy it!

  • Improvement of the coordination, concentration and balance of the body.
  • Increasement of the reflexes and the reaction time.
  • Help in the maintenance of the weight.


Do not hesitate and enjoy your holidays practicing the most refreshing summer sports; you will love them and your health will thank you!


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