
consejos para ser feliz

SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Happiness: 13 tips to be happy

September 2, 2015

Happiness depends on you and the way you see the world. It’s born inside you, so it doesn’t rely in what others do. We all have an incredible potential to be happy, that’s why we present some simple tips to achieve happiness:

1Practice Gratitude

People who thanks for what they have and what happens to them, have more energy and experience positive emotions more frequently.

2 – Be Positive

Positive thinks help face situations and personal fulfillment. The more you practice, the easier you will find it.

3 – Avoid comparison

Although everything goes well, there will always be someone who overcomes you.Those that focus on comparisons feel threatened and insecure because they don’t value what they have but focus on the happiness of the others.

4 – Stop over thinking

It is demonstrated that over thinking reduces the ability to solve problems, interferes in the initiatives and worsen sadness. One of the secret of happiness is the ability to stop the negative thoughts and focus on the optimistics.

5 – Work on Kindness

Be Kind not only brings satisfaction to who receives it but also to the one who practices it. It increases happiness, personal control and self-esteem.

6 – Face situations

Those who have suffered loss or traumas, face new situations in a more positive way. The key is to find the positive side of situations and seek social support.

7 – Forgive

Forgiveness is something you make for you, not for those who hurt you. Resentment and worry only will make you more damage.

8 – Enjoy the moment

It’s usual to think that tomorrow will be better than today and that the most important things will take place in the future. However, one of the main ingredients of happiness is living the day and enjoy small positive life experiences.

9 – Take care the relations

Social relationships and happiness are reciprocally connected, so if you start cultivating your relationships today, you will sow happiness.

10 – Flow

Flow make us focus in things we are making, enjoying the activities and have a sense of self control. Learn to flow in everything you make and concentrate on the present.

11 – Look for Spirituality

Many studies have shown that practicing spirituality and praying provide gratitude, love, compassion, joy, hope…which contribute to happiness.

12 – Laugh

Being more flexible, laughing on yourself and downplaying difficult situations, help to have a positive perception. Don’t take yourself too seriously and act as a happy person because it won’t only provide you some advantages for happiness but it can indeed make you happier.

13 – Achieve your goals

If you find a happy person, probably you will find a project behind him. Those who strive to achieve something that is important to them, are happier than those without dreams.

Happiness Test

Evaluate and measure your happiness degree with this Oxford Test created by peter Hills and Michael Argyle. Show how you are agree or disagree on the scale 1-6.

tips to be happy

  1. I don’t feel particularly pleased with the way I am. (R)
  2. I am intensely interested in other people.
  3. I feel that life is very rewarding.
  4. I have very warm feelings towards almost everyone.
  5. I rarely wake up feeling rested. (R)
  6. I am not particularly optimistic about the future. (R)
  7. I find most things amusing.
  8. I am always committed and involved.
  9. Life is good.
  10. I do not think that the world is a good place. (R)
  11. I laugh a lot.
  12. I am well satisfied about everything in my life.
  13. I don’t think I look attractive. (R)
  14. There is a gap between what I would like to do and what I have done. (R)
  15. I am very happy.
  16. I find beauty in some things.
  17. I always have a cheerful effect on others.
  18. I can fit in (find time for) everything I want to.
  19. I feel that I am not especially in control of my life. (R)
  20. I feel able to take anything on.
  21. I feel fully mentally alert.
  22. I often experience joy and elation.
  23. I don’t find it easy to make decisions. (R)
  24. I don’t have a particular sense of meaning and purpose in my life. (R)
  25. I feel I have a great deal of energy.
  26. I usually have a good influence on events.
  27. I don’t have fun with other people. (R)
  28. I don’t feel particularly healthy. (R)
  29. I don’t have particularly happy memories of the past. (R)

Calculate your score

1. Items marked (R) should be scored in reverse: (If you gave yourself a 1 cross it out and change it to a 6. 2 to 5, 3 to 4, 4 to 4, 5 to 2 and 6 to 1).

2. Add the numbers for all 29 questions. (Use the converted numbers for the 12 items that are reverse scored.)

3. Divide by 29. So your happiness score = the total (from step 2) divided by 29. The highest score is 6 and the lowest 1.

Now that you know these 13 tips to be happy practice them and enjoy life to the fullest!



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