Healing foods to boost your health

SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Healing foods to boost your health

SHA Wellness Clinic
March 23, 2017

There’s an endless list of beneficial foods for your health, as well as others that have none at all. Weight-loss, lowered cholesterol and arterial tension, strengthened immune, cardiovascular and pulmonary system, are some of the benefits that introducing foods with medicinal properties can have on your health. The nutrition expert at SHA, Melanie Waxman, highly recommends including healing foods as part of a healthy diet.


What foods have healing effects?

  • Adzuki beans nourish the kidneys, bones, articulations and adrenal arteries and can help lower arterial tension and act as a natural diuretic.
  • Japanese horseradish favours weight-loss and helps dissolve deep fat deposits stored in the body.
  • Green vegetables like spinach, lettuce and kale favour weight-loss, reduce cholesterol and levels of arterial pressure, boost lung health and are also a good source of calcium, iron, vitamins A, C and K.
  • Shiitake mushrooms are a great source of iron and protein, as well as reduce cholesterol and is good for the heart and the liver and has a calming effect in the body.
  • Seaweed is a rich source of trace elements, especially calcium. They are highly alkalising, clean the blood, balance the endocrine system and decrease anxiety.
  • Celery has anti-inflammatory effects, regulates blood sugar levels, favours weight-loss, reduces stress and cholesterol and arterial pressure levels.
  • Lemon is good to treat throat infections, indigestion, constipation, weight-loss, respiratory infections, and high blood pressure, as well as boosts the immune system and detoxes the liver.
  • Pears reduce arterial pressure and cholesterol levels. They are also rich in fibre, therefore, they have a moderate laxative effect and clean the vesicle.


When we look into the benefits that certain foods have, we can see that if we include them in our diet, they have the capacity to improve our health significantly. We recommend including the foods that aren’t as familiar, like seaweed, shiitake mushrooms and Japanese horseradish, as they will be very beneficial to your health.


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