
SHA Magazine Wellness & Relax

Healthy books to enjoy your days off

July 29, 2014

Do you like reading?

We give you 3 book recommendations for relaxing this summer

Summer holidays have finally arrived! Beach, sea, sun (always protecting your skin with sunscreen) and plenty of free time for enjoying the things you love most, like reading; that is why today we recommend you three books for learning and having a good time during the hottest days of the year.

3 books for your summer reading:
  1. Modern-day macrobiotics: Written by Simon G. Brown and with Michio Kushi’s foreword, this book talks about the benefits of eating macrobiotic food and having a healthy way of life, due to the large amount of recipes and advices collected to improve your lifestyle.
  2. Macrobiotics for all seasons: Inspired by the macrobiotic way of life, Marlene Watson-Tara wrote this book for helping us to improve our lifestyle and teaching how to cook and eat in a healthy way.
  3. The macrobiotic path to total health: Michio Kushi and Alex Jack wrote this book about macrobiotic fundamentals, remedies and recipes based in the most modern ideas and treatments inside the macrobiotic world.
Take advantage of your healthy summer holidays for reading interesting books that will help you face the routine in the healthiest possible way.

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