Healthy Summer Cocktail

SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Healthy Summer Cocktail

June 28, 2018

Summer is the perfect season for sharing enjoyable moments with your friends and family. At SHA Wellness Clinic, we’ve created this healthy drink to purify your body and eliminate toxins. Try this delicious healthy cocktail made with natural ingredients to give you an extra nutritious shot, and to hydrate you too!

Preparation time

[:es]15 minutos[:en]15 minutes[:]


[:es]2 personas[:en]2 people[:]

  • 15 g Kukicha tea
  • 1 rosemary bunch
  • 1 orange
  • Water
  • In a pot, heat the kukicha tea with a cup and a half of water.
  • Heat for 3 minutes at a low heat and remove from stove.
  • Add the rosemary and cover, leave to infuse for 5 minutes and leave to cool.
  • Cut the orange into fine slices.
  • In a cocktail glass, serve the tea and add the orange slices.
  • Decorate with a rosemary twig.

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