
How Revitalising Medicine can improve your health

May 16, 2018
Health & Beauty

Rosario García-Revitalising Medicine Expert

"Aims to balance the body and the function of all of its organs and tissues to improve quality of life."

Within Anti-ageing medicine, Revitalising Medicine aims to balance the body and the function of all of its organs and tissues to improve quality of life.

Vitality is the result when all the vital body functions are working in their optimum state. Environmental factors, unhealthy lifestyle habits, stress, work overload and aging, all cause a progressive deterioration in the organism, leading to a loss in vitality and the increase of illness. Symptoms such as fatigue, depression, lack of concentration, loss of memory, limited physical resistance, insomnia are all signs that the body is out of balance.

Revitalisation is the process of re-establishing these deteriorated functions and improving the feeling of wellbeing and the recovery of physical and mental capacities. There are several therapies under the umbrella of Revitalising Medicine, such as Ozone therapy and Serum therapy.

Ozone therapy consists of applying ozone in the organism. It stands out for its antioxidant, oxygenating, regenerative and immunemodulating properties that have positive and long-lasting effects. It delays the process of aging and is one of the most effective revitalising treatments.

Our body’s vitamins, minerals and trace elements needs are constantly increasing as the foods we eat are becoming more deficient in nutrients and richer in additives that degrade them. Stress, poor diet, medications, pollution and over exercising deplete our bodies from essential nutrients. Biological Serumtherapy replenishes vitamins and minerals quickly and efficiently at a cellular level and different combinations can help you feel more energised, relieve stress, neutralise the excess of free radicals and strengthen the immune system. It is especially indicated for people who want to recover their biological balance and wellbeing rapidly and efficiently, with the least toxicity possible.

There are different combinations you can create in Serum therapy that cover different health objectives, such as:

  • Improve hair and skin health
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Alleviate fatigue caused by chronic stress
  • Optimise physical and intellectual endurance
  • Advanced detoxification
  • Weight-loss
  • Combat the excess of free radicals that cause premature aging

Both Ozone therapy and Serum therapy can be combined in the same session, increasing the revitalising effects.


Come try these Revitalising Medicine treatments at SHA Wellness Clinic!


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