
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

How to identify premature ageing?

SHA Wellness Clinic
May 24, 2024

We are all getting older every day, but certainly not in the same way or at the same speed. Ageing is a process of gradual and continuous change that begins in early adulthood when many functions of the body begin to decline.

There is no specific age at which an individual is considered to be an old or elderly person. Traditionally, the onset of old age is set at the age of 65. However, this assumption is not based on biology, but on history. Many years ago, 65 was chosen as the retirement age in Germany, the first country to establish a retirement scheme. In 1965, in the United States, this age was specified as eligible for Medicare insurance. And it is true that this age is closest to the actual retirement age of most people living in economically developed societies.

To determine when a person has become old, it is necessary to keep in mind that science believes that several ages exist:

Chronological age, which is based solely on the passage of time and the date of birth. It is the age of a person expressed in years.

Biological age refers to the changes that the system undergoes and which generally occur with the passage of time. Since these changes affect some people earlier than others, some people are biologically old at the age of 65, whereas others are not, for another decade or more. Most of the noticeable differences in visible age between people of similar chronological age are caused by lifestyle, habits, and the subtle effects of certain diseases.

Lastly, psychological age, which refers to people’s behaviour and self-perception. For example, an octogenarian who works, has projects, looks forward to future events and is involved in many activities is considered a psychologically young person.

Most healthy, active people do not have a specific need to see a geriatrician until they are 70, 75, or even 80 years old. Others, on the other hand, need to see such a specialist at an earlier age, due to their state of health. And others look like they have aged ten years in a month.

Some symptoms may be indicative of a premature ageing process. For example, fatigue, muscle weakness, mobility problems and loss of balance, sudden changes in vision and hearing, loss of skin elasticity, or the early onset of chronic diseases, such as osteoporosis or arthritis.

The most obvious physical signs appear on the skin in the form of wrinkles, spots, dryness, or loss of tone and elasticity.

Some mental symptoms that signal accelerated ageing may include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, learning disabilities, behavioural and personality changes, and depression. In addition, premature old age can affect the ability to perform everyday activities and diminish a person’s autonomy and independence.

Lifestyle and exposure to toxic or addictive substances often have a strong impact on the rate of ageing. In most cases, premature ageing is caused by controllable and preventable factors. For example, a diet rich in saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, and sugars can trigger chronic inflammation in the body, which in turn can accelerate ageing. In addition, a diet poor in essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, can contribute to the degeneration of the body’s cells and tissues.

To prevent premature ageing, the doctors and nutritionists at SHA Wellness Clinic recommend a balanced, anti-inflammatory diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, algae, seeds, and fermented foods.

In addition, it is important to limit the consumption of processed foods, foods high in saturated fats, sugars, and alcohol. Hydration is also essential for maintaining healthy skin and tissues, so one should drink enough water throughout the day.

With some changes in diet and a more active lifestyle, both physically and intellectually, the risk of premature ageing can be lowered and the quality of life improved.

The Well-ageing Medicine unit at SHA Wellness Clinic includes a genetic, cognitive stimulation, and energy health assessment resulting in a personalised biological profile of the patient, including almost 100 indicators of premature ageing, as well as a genetic profile with oxidative stress levels, prescription of nutrition plans, supplements, and physical exercise, as well as natural and medical therapies. After examining the general condition of the patients and determining the pace of their ageing process, therapies are recommended that can benefit best the health and quality of life of each person.




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