
SHA Magazine Wellness & Relax

How to Take Care of Yourself During the Holiday Excesses

December 17, 2024

How can you take care of yourself at Christmas without becoming the typical Grinch who avoids alcohol and counts calories at parties? It’s a big challenge. When the holidays arrive, all those foods and drinks that you don’t usually consume throughout the year make their appearance. You feel like celebrating, seeing people, toasting, and eating. It is, of course, the time when all good habits tend to fall by the wayside, especially if you’ve followed a restrictive diet or health programs so complicated that they’re not sustainable in the long term. In those cases, Christmas represents freedom, the perfect excuse to break free from restrictions.

However, there is a middle ground, a sensible path that we at SHA invite you to take this holiday season. At SHA, we believe in the 80/20 rule, which means trying to do things right 80% of the time while allowing yourself a 20% margin to enjoy those not-so-optimal choices from a nutritional standpoint but that bring you happiness.

Let’s see how you can strike the perfect balance this Christmas. Imagine sitting in front of one of the many holiday tables: picture the desserts, the drinks, the stews. Now relax, because we have a strategy.

  1. Control and Be Aware of Your Alcohol Consumption
    Don’t drink out of habit, and if possible, plan ahead which celebrations you will drink at. For the others, bring your own alcohol-free beverages. If you decide to drink, do so moderately, drinking slowly and alternating with glasses of water frequently. Water will keep you hydrated and feeling full, so you’ll end up drinking less. If you’re having a drink, make sure the glass isn’t too strong. In the end, the goal is to enjoy yourself, not suffer from a massive hangover the next day.
  2. Eat What You Want, But Choose Wisely
    Opt for quality proteins, such as fish and meat, and serve yourself sensible portions. Put on your plate what you really want to try, but try not to overfill it. Eat slowly and enjoy the moment. Don’t obsess over the food. It’s normal to want to try everything when faced with so many options, but if you eat slowly and pay attention to the satiety signals sent by your brain, you’ll avoid losing control.
  3. Don’t Torture Yourself with Rules and Restrictions
    Eliminate the idea of restricted foods during these days and relax. It’s a great way to improve your relationship with food and avoid anxiety getting in the way. Remember that you are the one making the decisions, and you have a 20% margin to treat yourself to a little indulgence.
  4. Look Around and Engage in Conversation with Others – After All, It’s Christmas
    Don’t focus all your attention on the food. Talk to the people around you, ask questions, be curious, and take your mind off the table. The celebration is about much more than just eating.
  5. If You’re the Host, Choose Healthy Dishes
    If it’s your turn to prepare a holiday meal, you don’t have to opt for the most calorie-laden dishes. You can create a delicious and healthy menu that takes care of both your health and that of your guests. Chances are, more than one person will thank you for it.
  6. Don’t Overindulge at Every Event You’re Invited To
    During this time of year, invitations and feasts multiply. It’s up to you to bring a bit of discipline to what you consume. Be discreet and remember that you have a plan.
  7. Be Firm with Desserts
    This is the Achilles’ heel of any nutritional plan: holiday sweets. You can include them in your 20% margin, but it will be used up quickly due to the excess sugar and fats. It might be better to choose your favorite dessert, enjoy it, and skip the rest. You don’t have to try everything.
  8. Stick to Your Exercise Routine
    Amid all the holiday activities, try to maintain your exercise routine. Remember that weight training burns more calories than a walk. So choose your workouts wisely if your Christmas is turning out to be particularly calorie-laden.

The holidays can be a time to take care of yourself while celebrating at the same time. At SHA, we have organized a series of special activities to help you maintain a balance between wellness and enjoyment. Discover everything we’ve prepared here.


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