
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Intensive Weight Loss and Detox Programme

SHA Wellness Clinic
January 11, 2019

At SHA, we’ve the perfect combination for wellness: our intensive programme for anyone who wants results in a short period of time.


  • The main aim of this programme, which blends two approaches (weight loss and cleansing), is to kick-start the body’s recovery pro- cess, but without allowing this combination to cut corners and obtain more impressive short- term results.
  • Achieve weight loss in a healthy way while also carrying out a process of cleansing and purifying the body to obtain overall results and an optimum state of health.
  • Ascertain the body’s level of oxidative stress by performing specific tests with a view to ta- king corrective measures.
  • Learn new healthy eating habits in order to optimise natural detoxification mechanisms and achieve weight loss that can be maintained over time.


Minimum 7 days I Recommended 14 days.


Recommended for:

  • People with inappropriate eating habits, excess weight and/or high stress levels.
  • Intended for people who need to improve their general state of health in a short space of time.


The supervision and advice provided by our team of professionals aims to obtain appropriate weight loss according to the patient’s physical condition, metabolism and pro le, as well as cleansing the body by eliminating toxins. This is achieved by:

  • A nutrition plan adapted to the needs of the individual and a personally-tailored health plan.
  • Strict control of weight and physical makeup to achieve the weight loss and cleansing goal.
  • Doing intensive physical exercise with personalised training.
  • A variety of natural therapies and technological treatments focused on losing weight and eliminating toxins.
  • Recommendations and activities to encourage the individual to learn new habits for a healthier lifestyle.


To see the full programme content, click here.


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