
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Intravenous serotherapy to improve cognitive health

SHA Wellness Clinic
January 18, 2024

The mental fog, the feeling that you forget all names, that you can’t remember the usual things, that you can’t cope with everything and are overwhelmed by big problems – all are symptoms of stress and exhaustion, that your neurons need nourishing shock therapy.

SHA Wellness Clinic can change your life with two serums, or at least give you back the agility and freshness you feel after a good night’s sleep, when your mind is awake and rested and in great shape to think and create. At the Revitalising Medicine unit at SHA Wellness Clinic, often many people arrive mentally exhausted, on autopilot, on the verge of burnout (burnout syndrome due to excessive stress and mental overload). It is enough to ask patients and analyse the results of the cognitive analysis conducted when they enter SHA to determine which serums they could benefit from the most.

Mental balance is one of these serums. It is perfect for those suffering from mental fatigue due to stress and mental or work overload. These are people who are on the verge of the burnout syndrome, a situation suggesting that neurons are lacking nutrients. With this serum we aim to calm the mind and reduce anxiety and stress.

The serum is composed of a high dose of tryptophan to reduce restlessness. It is an amino acid – precursor of the feel-good hormone serotonin which helps us sleep better. It also contains magnesium, taurine and B vitamins, which are important for the neurological system, myelin sheaths and neurotransmitters, since they are cofactors in the reactions occurring at the neuronal level. She recommends three to four serums per week to start noticing the benefits. It’s very effective, people feel calmer and more relaxed.

The second serum that impacts cognitive performance is called Focus & Memory and its composition is designed to improve concentration. It has plenty of amino acids: carnitine to charge the neurons with energy; taurine; anxiolytics; and choline, which is the precursor of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning processes, and glutamine.

Often when people have chronic fatigue syndrome, there is a carnitine deficiency. When this nutrient is administered through a vein, it prevents its passing through the digestive system, which can be toxic. This is why we recommend that carnitine always be administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

Cognitive performance serums also incorporate substances that improve oxygenation at the brain level, very useful for people with age-related memory problems.

Serum therapy for cognitive performance aims to replenish cells with amino acids and nutrients that may be lacking due to stress, toxins, and poor diet.

Today’s cognitive performance requirements are not the same as they were 50 years ago and food alone is not enough to satisfy them. We are subjected to conditions of stress and toxicity that did not exist before, food does not have the same amount of nutrients it used to have and crops are harvested before they mature naturally, which is why supplements are necessary. The advantage of the intravenous route is that the nutrients reach the cell directly and do not pass through the elimination and absorption routes of the digestive system.

Another advantage of using the intravenous route is that it is possible to administer doses with a therapeutic effect that would not be tolerated orally, as is the case of vitamin C.  We may put between 15 and 20 grams in a serum to achieve the therapeutic effect we are looking for at SHA to improve memory and concentration.

Both serums can be combined. It recommends that they be administered at the same time, during the same stay at SHA. Allergies to some of the components would be the only contraindications to cognitive serotherapy. The duration of the application of the serum is 45 minutes. It is a comfortable treatment. Patients often listen to music or read during the administration. Many fall asleep.



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