

SHA Magazine Fitness

Jukari: A new fun fitness training

July 1, 2015

Does your exercises routine bore you? Do you want to work out but are too lazy for it? There are no more excuses because new discipline to train your bod has been created and it’s impossible to get bored while practicing!

Its name is Jukari and it comes from the italian word “giocare” which means “to Play”. It’s a physical activity created by the sport company Reebok in collaboration with the Cirque du Soleil. It’s an activity that provides many benefits for the health and which consists on exercises with elastic bands and a bar-fly as jumps, spins, pirouettes associated with Yoga and Pilates. A coach is necessary to guide the manage of elastic bands and to conduct the choreographies based on training programs from the incomparable canadian circus.



– Defines the figure

– Burns fats

– Tones the muscles

– Increases the upper body strength

– Increases dexterity, balance, flexibility and resistance

– Beneficial for the cardiovascular health

– Improves coordination

– It strengthens the connective tissues of joints

– Fixes wrong positions


Sessions last for one hour and there are group classes for women. Although it has been initially created for women, probably a new version for men will be soon created, since people who have practiced Jukari say it’s an effective fun and energizing sport.




Jukari training is already available in gyms of 12 important cities as Madrid, London, New York and LA.
What are you waiting to look for a gym in your city to practice this new way of fun training?






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