
SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Diet – a great ally in overcoming infertility problems

SHA Wellness Clinic
June 21, 2024

One in six adults may experience an infertility problem during their lifetime, according to a report by the World Health Organisation (WHO). According to the new estimates, the prevalence of infertility varies little from region to region and the rates are similar in high-, middle-, and low-income countries. This proves that this is a universal public health problem that affects all countries.

Infertility is a growing problem for couples that are trying to become pregnant. A growing body of evidence points to a link between diet and fertility. Diet, as well as physical activity (especially strength training), good stress management, and rest management are fundamental pillars in addressing fertility problems,” says Marina Domene, nutritionist at SHA.

The data show that a diet high in trans-fats, refined carbohydrates and added sugars can affect fertility negatively. By contrast, an anti-inflammatory diet based on a Mediterranean dietary pattern that prioritises the consumption of healthy polyunsaturated fats, vegetables, fruit, plant-based proteins, such as legumes, as well as animal protein, such as small fish, reducing red meat as much as possible, has a positive impact on fertility,” explains the nutrition expert.

Gut health and microbiota also play a role in infertility. Domene notes that “an unhealthy diet can alter the composition of the microbiota and there is increasing scientific evidence that people with intestinal dysbiosis have greater infertility problems“.

The SHA Method places nutrition at the centre of treatments, including those aimed at improving the fertility rates of couples. Marina Domene explains that the nutritional patterns recommended to SHA guests can be great allies in this process. “A Mediterranean eating pattern, based on the consumption of fresh and seasonal products, with a base consisting of vegetables and fruits, mainly green leafy vegetables to have a good supply of vitamin B9, and fruits, such as kiwi, red fruits, and citrus fruits, which are excellent sources of antioxidants, could improve infertility problems, as it would help to reduce free radicals“.

The SHA nutritionist believes that, in order to improve fertility, it is advisable to add sources of plant protein to the diet, such as legumes and fermented soya. Studies have found that some of the nutrients contained in fermented soybeans, such as inositol phosphate (phytic acid), improve the quality and quantity of oocytes and sperm and, thus, improve pregnancy rates.

Small fish, such as sardines, anchovies, mackerel, etc., are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. “It is well established that an adequate intake of this nutrient is associated with good hormonal health. Nuts and seeds (sesame seeds have a high correlation with improved fertility) are excellent sources of omega-3s as well. In addition, the use of extra virgin olive oil in our cuisine is key to improving these problems,” says Domene.

Beyond the Mediterranean dietary pattern, there are other foods that offer benefits as well, among them miso, kuzu, umeboshi and seaweed. “These ingredients are more typical of Asian diets, but there is a lot of scientific support about their ability to improve hormonal and reproductive health,” explains Domene. Seasonings and spices, such as turmeric, garlic, ginger, coriander, and parsley, also have scientific evidence of improving inflammation and, thus, fertility problems.

The consumption of tea or herbals tea, for example Kukicha tea, which is a type of green tea, of fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and pickles, improves our intestinal microbiota and help us to increase the production of hormones responsible for reproduction,” explains the nutritionist.

In her opinion, one should avoid “the typical Western Diet pattern characterised by high consumption of ultra-processed products, refined sugars, trans-fats, salt, and additives that directly cause health problems and low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance and, therefore, increased fertility problems.“. It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of dairy products and meats in general.


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