
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Latest technological and health innovations implemented at SHA

SHA Wellness Clinic
June 4, 2024

The wellness revolution consists in putting science, technology, wisdom, and tradition at the service of a single goal: health and quality of life.

For more than fifteen years now, SHA Wellness Clinic has been taking advantage of all established synergies between new technologies and health, using advanced tools that treat stress, fatigue, and ageing, following a holistic, integrative, and modern approach.

From biohacking to cellular therapies. The SHA experts study the latest generation of tools and recommend only those for which the scientific evidence is strong in terms of safety and efficacy. And these new tools are extremely customised, in order to optimise their benefits according to each person’s needs.

Below we share some practices and therapies that optimise wellbeing and are implemented at SHA Wellness Clinic:


The idea behind the biohacking movement is always to optimise human capabilities. If we accept that the body is a machine, we have to accept that it can be improved or at least “upgraded.”

Many prominent names are associated with biohacking, among them are the English billionaire Richard Branson and Tony Robbins who has a software implant capable of putting and end to the destruction of the body’s hardware. In short, the idea is to introduce routines, changes in habits, and some technological help to stop the ageing and decay of the body. Some people simply change their diet, others implant hormone chips under their skin, and there are those who experiment with home-made biogenetic engineering.

At SHA Wellness Clinic, a kind of healthy biohacking is practised to intervene with bad diatary habits and ‘hack’ substandard lifestyles. Advanced diagnostics of the patient are performed, providing the necessary information to know which areas are worth intervening with new habits or other methods, always based on biomarkers, such as body composition or body mass index, telomere length, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation at rest, basal blood glucose levels, cholesterol, glycosylated haemoglobin or C-reactive protein (CRP).

The Well-ageing Medicine unit at SHA Wellness Clinic includes a genetic assesment, cognitive stimulation assessment, and energy health assessment, resulting in a personalised biological profile of the patient which encompasses almost 100 indicators of premature ageing, as well as a genetic profile with oxidative stress levels, prescription of nutrition plans, supplements, and physical exercise, as well as natural and medical therapies.


NAD replenishment therapy

NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a coenzyme present in almost every cell of the body and recent longevity research attaches particular importance to it, as intravenous replenishment of its levels helps to prevent and alleviate metabolic diseases, sarcopenia, and age-related frailty.

NAD is a molecule that plays an essential role in several biological functions. It is found in all living cells and is critical in many metabolic reactions. It acts as a coenzyme, which means that it regulates and facilitates chemical reactions in the body. Additionally, it is involved in key processes, such as energy production, DNA repair, metabolism regulation and cellular health maintenance.

During the ageing process, the production of NAD decreases naturally, while its degradation increases. In oxidative stress processes caused by diverse factors, such as an unhealthy diet, exposure to environmental toxins, lack of sleep, and chronic stress, NAD levels are depleted. In general, an unhealthy lifestyle, characterised by sedentary behavior, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking, contributes to lower NAD levels in the system.

Replenishing NAD levels can provide several benefits for the body. One of them is improved cellular function, since by increasing NAD levels cellular health and damaged DNA repair are promoted, which has a positive impact on overall health and the slowing down of the ageing process.

Blood purification therapy

Numerous benefits are achieved with Advanced Plasma Renewal therapy, including the reduction or removal of harmful or excessive substances from the blood, such as toxins, antibodies, or abnormal proteins. In addition, blood viscosity and microcirculation improve immediately, cytokines decrease, and the inflammatory response is modulated. These benefits make this therapy potentially rejuvenating.

This blood purification therapy is performed by means of a medical procedure known as “therapeutic apheresis” which allows the blood to be removed from a person using specialised equipment, in order to separate the undesirable components.

It is a useful treatment of various chronic pathologies, such as autoimmune disorders and inflammatory diseases. When used preventively, it helps to counteract the onset of chronic degenerative processes and to prevent cardiovascular events in high-risk patients.

It is an extracorporeal procedure that can eliminate molecules and immunocomplexes involved in more than 80 different diseases. In general, it is recommended for people who wish to improve their overall health significantly, thus preventing diseases that develop or become more severe in the later decades of life.



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