
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Ozone Therapy: What is it

SHA Wellness Clinic
August 17, 2017

A form of alternative medicine, ozone therapy offers multiple health benefits, helping to overcome a great number of problems. Here is an explanation of what ozone therapy is and its benefits.

Ozone therapy and its benefits

Ozone gas treatment has many applications in the field of health and can help to treat many problems, either as an individual treatment or combined with other conventional medicines.

The benefits of ozone on the body include strengthening the immune system, stimulating white blood cells, preventing infections and immune system deficiencies by destroying fungi, bacteria and viruses. It also helps to counteract cell mutations, thereby preventing some types of cancer.

It helps red blood cells to transport oxygen and improves circulation and general cell function. As well as being a powerful antioxidant, it helps to eliminate toxins.

Due to its multiple benefits, there are many health applications for ozone therapy. The ozone used in therapy is mixed with oxygen, and can be used in many ways depending on the area of treatment.

Some of the most common applications include subcutaneous injections to treat pain and inflammation in localised areas such as joints and muscles. It can be administered intravenously with a saline solution and can be injected to treat varicose veins and other circulation problems.

Ozone therapy is also extremely effective for combating skin problems such as herpes virus, eczema, acne and pimples, and can even be used to erase scars. In general, ozone skin treatment is given using a localised blowing method with oxygen and ozone, or saunas with ozone vapour.

Ozone therapy is also a very effective treatment for weight loss. When combined with an appropriate diet and healthy habits, it can help you to reach your ideal weight or even counteract obesity.

In fact, obesity and harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol and fast food consumption lead to the destruction of oxygen and the accumulation of toxins in the body. Ozone is therefore an excellent ally for losing weight and eliminating toxicity.

All of these benefits and more can help you to improve your health with just a few affordable ozone therapy sessions.

Ozone therapy contraindications

If you would like to have ozone therapy, you must first consult your doctor prior to treatment, as there are some contraindications.

You should avoid ozone therapy if you are pregnant, have cancer, chronic advanced diseases, blood problems, internal or external bleeding (including menstruation), or if you have previously had a heart attack. Therefore, it is compulsory to consult your doctor for an individual assessment to receive advice on the suitability of the treatment.


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