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Three ozone therapy sessions are enough for our bodies to begin to feel the benefits of the medical ozone treatment. The oxidising capacity of ozone creates controlled stress that activates our bodies’ antioxidant response, and this explains the rapid effects of this therapy from the third treatment session onwards.
Among its benefits, Dr Rosario García, expert in biological medicine and coordinator of the Revitalising Medicine area at SHA Wellness Clinic,
mentions an improvement of physical and intellectual performance, a better quality of sleep, a progressive reduction in pain, a recovery of sexual desire, an improvement in mood, and the strengthening of skin and hair.
It is a very effective therapy that is easy to apply, is very well tolerated by patients, and has hardly any known side effects.
In the clinical setting, ozone therapy is increasingly being used due to its clear benefits and its convenience and safety. It is precisely its rectal application that not only promotes better bowel health but also minimises adverse effects. Dr García states that it is a very effective therapeutic complement for preventing or favourably influencing the development of degenerative, infectious, and metabolic diseases.
Rectal ozone therapy is one of the oldest applications of this technique. If the correct doses are used, it is a safe therapy with no adverse effects. ‘The treatment is carried out with the help of a very fine cannula that is introduced into the patient’s rectum, through which a mixture of oxygen and ozone is very slowly insufflated’, explains Dr García. The procedure takes about fifteen minutes, is very well tolerated and the patient is able to live a normal life immediately afterwards.
The flow of ozone gas applied to the intestine is converted into oxygen, eliminates free radicals, and is highly effective against pathogenic microbes, stimulating the growth of healthy microbiota in an oxygen-rich environment.
‘This procedure improves the overall and local oxygen supply. At the local level, this means the restoration of cellular oxidation, which improves microcirculation, stimulates the regeneration of the intestinal epithelium, and enhances local immunity’, says the specialist.
One of the great advantages of rectal ozone therapy is that although it acts on pathogenic organisms, it does not produce harmful effects on our intestinal microflora and, therefore, does a great job of restoring microbial balance.
Rectal ozone therapy works as a great anti-inflammatory and disinfectant; it is very useful in treating inflammatory bowel diseases, candidiasis, and dysbacteriosis. It is also very effective in treating liver problems, constipation, hemorrhoids, fistulas, and anal eczema. In addition, it can be used as an alternative to intra-venous ozone therapy; as it is rapidly absorbed by the lymphatic and capillary vessels, it produces a general metabolic and immunomodulatory action.
Dr García confirms that there is a large amount of scientific evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of ozone therapy but that specific protocols must be followed; a prior clinical assessment of each patient is needed to determine contraindications.
Ozone is a gas that occurs naturally in the atmosphere, but medical ozone is obtained from medical oxygen and in programmed concentrations and doses through a generator. A single or repeated application in small quantities is sufficient to achieve the beneficial biological effect.
‘By properly oxygenating our body’s cells, our natural defences improve, our immune system is boosted, and our alertness, concentration, memory, and energy improve’, says Dr García.
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