
SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Symbiotics, postbiotics and psychobiotics: what are their benefits?

February 27, 2024

Symbiotics, postbiotics and psychobiotics look the same but each has its own characteristics and generates a different benefit.

Dr Mariel Silva, from the SHA Wellness Clinic’s Well-ageing Medicine Unit, explains that the updated definition of a symbiotic is “the combination of probiotics (beneficial micro-organisms) with prebiotics (substances that feed these micro-organisms). Together they form a synergistic partnership that strengthens our digestive system”.

Among their benefits, the doctor points to improved gut health, as they promote a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This increases the absorption of nutrients and strengthens the intestinal barrier. They also supportthe immune system by improving the healthy balance of the gut microbiota. Beneficial bacteria stimulate the immune response, helping to prevent infection and disease.

Symbiotics support digestion and nutrient absorption in the gut. The probiotics which they contain help break down food and facilitate the absorption of vitamins and minerals. They also improve intestinal transit and relieve constipation problems.

in turn, Postbiotics are metabolic products or cell fragments of probiotic microorganisms which, when administered, provide health benefits. Dr Silva explains that postbiotics do not contain live microorganisms and this makes them very safe for use in people with weak immune systems. In addition, their anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce inflammation in the body and all the consequences. They are also thought to improve the gut barrier and immune response.

Finally, there are psychobiotics, which are probiotics capable of generating a mental health benefit. “They have a direct impact on the gut-brain connection. They have been shown to improve mood, reduce stress and are helpful in managing some mental health related disorders. Some studies suggest that they may have positive effects on cognitive function, including memory and concentration”.

All three used together can also produce interesting benefits for the body. Among them, Dr Silva mentions improving digestive health by promoting a healthy balance of gut micro-organisms, boosting the immune system, preventing chronic diseases and possible mental health benefits.



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