
TBC: Total Body Conditioning
TBC: Total Body Conditioning

SHA Magazine Fitness

TBC: Total Body Conditioning

January 7, 2014

TBC Fitness: Total Body Conditioning

To get fit and lose weight after Christmas we don’t only need a healthy diet but also to do some exercise so we can recover our phyisical condition.

One of the funniest and more effective forms of exercise at the moment is Total Body Conditioning Fitness, consisting of various exercises performed for short periods of time, including different exercises for improving our physical, muscular and cardiovascular fitness condition.

What is Total Body Conditioning?

With TBC Fitness or Total Body Conditioning we achieve to work all body parts, one by one, combining various elements of a gym such as TRX gums, steps, bars or fitness balls.

Say bye to monotony!

With TBC Fitness or Total Body Conditioning there is no time for boredom because it changes every so often -exercise normally last 1 or 2 minutes, depending on the intensity that the personal trainer wants to give, always adapted to the needs of each person-. TRX

Team Work

The TBC is the ideal sport for a small group of people, creating a circuit of exercises that people will rotate. View colleagues working in other exercise always motivates to try harder than working alone. pesas

Stretching before and after TBC

As always when doing sports, you should begin and end the session with appropriate stretching the muscles to work well and avoid injuries, strains and stiffness. Estiramientos TRX

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