
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

The body sends signals: main symptoms of oxidative stress

April 20, 2024

Almost all centenarians share one thing in common: they oxidise more slowly. This is the process known as oxidative stress, which is the main cause of ageing and can be counteracted by taking antioxidants, or by having a strong immune system.

Oxidative stress is a process that reveals an excess of free radicals, which unbalance cellular metabolism by oxidising lipids, proteins, sugars and the nucleic acids that regulate their function, and can even cause mutations in DNA.

Several factors are thought to cause oxidative stress, including obesity, poor diet, smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages, use of certain medications, exposure to environmental factors such as radiation, toxins, air pollution, pesticides and excessive exposure to sunlight. Chronic stressful situations and sustained anxiety also appear to play a role in the formation of these oxidative environments.

Over the years, the body loses its ability to counteract the oxidative action of free radicals and spaces of imbalance and oxidation begin to open up.

The body sends out certain signals of oxidative stress. To identify them, we must pay attention to a series of symptoms that reveal an increase in free radicals and a lack of antioxidants.

Some physical changes: loss of flexibility and increased stiffness in the body and joints, as well as progressive loss of muscle strength and endurance.

Signs of premature ageing: Early appearance of wrinkles, dry skin and spots. Loss of firmness and radiance.

Memory lapses and lack of concentration: You start to forget things, or start repeating the same stories. It becomes difficult to remember names of people, and there is a decline in mental sharpness and focus.

Some warnings of chronic diseases: Blood pressure problems and/or palpitations when climbing stairs, as oxidative stress affects the heart and cardiovascular system, so it will be one of the first to send signals.

Sleeping problems: This disorder causes fatigue and tiredness during daylight hours, and even irritability.

Headache: Frequent headaches and migraines can also be a warning sign of oxidative stress.

Early detection of oxidative stress allows an antioxidant strategy to be put in place to curb the damaging environment created by oxidation and prevent the development of chronic and degenerative diseases, and even some cancers. It is important to consult a doctor and give these signs the proper importance. It is not advisable to self-medicate, even with vitamins and antioxidants. It is preferable to opt for personalised medicine that fits your health and lifestyle like a glove. This is exactly what you will find at SHA Wellness Clinic.

The best way to deal with oxidative stress is to try to avoid it. Certain habits can help, for example, avoiding smoking and pollution, following a diet rich in antioxidants and taking antioxidant supplements prescribed by a doctor.

To minimise the effects of oxidative stress, eat a diet rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E and C, abundant in brightly coloured fruits, green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains. It is also important to incorporate small oily fish and high quality vegetable protein into the diet.


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