
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

The phenomena of aesthetic medicine in the wellness clinic

SHA Wellness Clinic
March 25, 2018

Aesthetic medicine has undergone great and numerous advances in recent decades, especially in wellness clinics. If you want to experience the best results in your appearance, you should try the latest treatments based on highly effective and very innovative therapies in the sector.

Advances in aesthetic medicine

A treatment that is starting to regain a lot of popularity is thread lifts. This is done by inserting dermal thread cones to treat the “sagging” of the skin of your face through implanting multiple threads. These threads are made of polydioxanone, a material that can generate fibrin, collagen and fibrinogen and that fosters the appearance of a mesh inside your skin, thus providing greater support to the surrounding tissues. This is a treatment that provides a lifting effect and increases circulation to the area, hence improving cellular regeneration and collagen synthesis.

Another not so novel treatment, but equally demanded, is botulinum toxin, the number one treatment in preventing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This cosmetic injectable can hinder the appearance of age signs in a person for years in matter of just minutes. Yet another Botox treatment that is expected to increase in popularity is microbottox. This procedure helps to decrease oil production, to reduce pore size and to smoothen your skin.

On the other hand, this year it is expected to see an increase in the use of growth factors or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate the skin. PRP works by using a person’s own cells to naturally reverse the signs of aging through the production of collagen and the growth of new cells. As they say, we must trust our own bodies to obtain better results.

Finally, have you heard of ozone therapy? Ozone is a colorless gas composed of three oxygen atoms. Its molecules have therapeutic effects. It is beneficial for health because it destroys all types of pathogens that are living in the depths of the skin while stimulating the immune system to accelerate healing. This treatment can also improve circulation by cleaning arteries and veins, at the same time purifying the blood and lymphatic system. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to regulate the hormonal and enzymatic production of the organism. It is one of the newest ideal treatments to maintain a young and healthy skin

Other treatments in our wellness clinic

It’s worth noting that food is also a therapy in aesthetic medicine. It is well known that the skin and the body demand the necessary nutrients to maintain its integrity and decrease premature aging. Nutrition is booming, and more and more people are asking for dietary treatments to improve their health.

Aesthetic medicine is now opting for less invasive therapies with very effective results. The advances indicate that this sector is going to lean more and more on natural treatments and this can be adapted to all types of people. SHA’s comprehensive rejuvenation program in wellness, includes some of the previously named treatments, which can come in quite handy.



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