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SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition
Summer is around the corner and we all want to have luscious, glowing skin! Now is the best time to get our skin prepped for the summer, as what you do now will make a huge difference on your skin’s appearance.
First of all, healthy skin starts from within. It may be a cliché, but we are what we eat, and the same applies to our skin. The more nutrient rich our diet is, the better our skin is going to look!
1. Beta-carotene rich foods are the key to protecting our skin from sun exposure and getting a healthy glow.
2. Healthy fats are essential for building hydrated, glowing skin.
3. Protein is essential for healthy skin as they contain amino acids, the building foundations to create collagen in the body.
4. Our body needs vitamin C in order to produce collagen and is necessary for the growth and repair of tissues.
5. Antioxidants are capable of blocking free radicals, the substances that cause the oxidation of skin, also known as aging.
6. It’s also super important to have a healthy gut flora as the link between our gut health and our skin health is evident, therefore eating foods that are rich in probiotics is essential.
By sticking to a varied diet including a widespread of nutrients from the foods mentioned above, you’ll have glowing skin all summer! Don’t forget to drink lots of water too to keep your skin and body hydrated!
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