
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

What can the hands of an ostheopath do for your digestive health?

SHA Wellness Clinic
May 25, 2024

The skilled hands of a qualified, well-trained osteopath can do so much for your digestive health. Visceral osteopathy focuses precisely on the diagnosis and treatment of dysfunctions in the internal organs of the body, through gentle and specific manual techniques. Visceral osteopathy is based on the premise that the human body is a unified whole and that any change in the internal organs can affect balance and general health.

“Through careful assessment and a holistic approach, visceral osteopaths seek to identify and correct any dysfunction in such organs as the stomach, liver, kidneys, and intestines, explains Antonio Mora, an osteopath at SHA WellnessClinic with more than a decade of experience.

To find the origin of visceral osteopathy we have to trace it back to the beginning of the 20th century when Dr. William Garner Sutherland investigated the relationship between the movement of the skull and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the body and began to apply the cranial technique to treat mental and emotional problems, and subsequently applied it to treat physical problems related to the spine and nervous system.

This discipline is important, because it focuses on balancing the body through the treatment of organs and soft tissues to improve their mobility and functionality. “This technique nourishes the viscera, improves immunity and the movement of the body by eliminating blockages and tensions in the visceral system, which can be the cause of numerous pathologies,” explains Antonio Mora.

Visceral osteopathy complements and enhances the effectiveness of other medical treatments and is especially useful for patients with digestive, respiratory, and spinal pathologies. Its main objective is to improve the quality of life and to promote the health and balance of body and mind.

Visceral osteopathy comprises multiple manual therapy techniques which alleviate symptoms related to the viscera, including menstrual disorders, constipation, reflux, and poor digestion. To do this, the osteopath examines the patient and performs a series of manipulations, mobilisations, and stretches on the organ to be treated.

Visceral osteopathy can be beneficial for a wide range of pathologies of the digestive system, but it is also useful for treating menstrual dysfunctions, lower back pain, migraines, respiratory problems, and sleep disorders. “The goal is to restore mobility and balance in the internal organs, as this can help to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life,” says the SHA WellnessClinic osteopath.

Mora enumerates some of the specific benefits that can be obtained from osteopathy, such as pain relief. “By correcting dysfunctions in the internal organs, visceral osteopathy improves chronic pain, such as back or abdominal pain. It also improves digestion, as it helps to improve the digestive function by correcting any existing dysfunction in the stomach or intestines.

Another major benefit that can be gained from this therapy is the restoration of hormonal balance and relief from the associated symptoms, such as heavy, long, and painful menstruation.

Visceral osteopathy is based on a number of specific principles and techniques, including the wholeness of the body, which is considered to be a whole system, so that any dysfunction in the internal organs can affect equilibrium and general health. Another of its principles is the adequate mobility of the internal organs, which is essential for their proper functioning. Visceral osteopathy focuses on restoring the optimal motility of the internal organs. The third principle is the use of gentle manual techniques to assess and treat internal organ dysfunctions. These techniques may include the use of pressure, stretching, and gentle movements.

In the osteopathy practice of SHA WellnessClinic this therapy is offered with the guarantees of a certified osteopath with good


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