
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

6 tips for healthy skin in winter

SHA Wellness Clinic
January 23, 2018

The cold and dry weather, lack of sun and heated rooms leaves our skin dry, flaky and lacking radiance. It’s now when it needs extra love and care to bring it back to life and keep it glowing throughout the winter.

As we know, we are what we eat, and that also goes for our skin. The skin is the largest organ in the body and reflects our inner health. When we stick to a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, drink plenty of water, get our circulatory system moving, rest well and nourish our skin on the outside, you tick all the boxes for healthy, glowing skin!

If you want to have beautiful, hydrated and radiant skin this winter, follow these simple tricks:


Eat your vegetables

Make sure you eat plenty of seasonal vegetables like kale, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and beetroot to nourish your body and skin with all the nutrients they need.

Vitamin C rich foods

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for healthy skin. It protects the skin from the pollution and free radicals, improves hydration and prevents aging. Eat fruits such as pomegranate, kiwi and grapefruit to give your skin an extra glow.

Drink water

When the weather gets colder, your body doesn’t demand as much water, however, as we’re constantly in heated rooms that dehydrate us, it’s important to drink sufficient water throughout the day. Water is essential to maintain optimum moisture and transport nutrients to the skin cells.

Take probiotics

A healthy gut flora means that not only will your immune system be stronger, but your skin health will also improve. By taking a probiotic everyday, you’ll be supporting your gut health, as well as reducing inflammation, and as a result, you’ll keep your skin clear, radiant and healthy.

Nourish your skin with natural oils

There’s a lot of confusion regarding oils, as there is a general misconception that oils make your skin oily and promote acne. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Natural oils, such as sweet almond oil, coconut oil, rosehip oil and avocado oil, keep the skin balanced and hydrated, preventing breakouts and premature aging. Massage a few drops of the oil of your choice on your skin before going to sleep, to nourish your skin throughout the night.

Exfoliate your skin weekly

Our skin is constantly renewing itself, and with the amount of toxins and pollutants we are exposed to everyday, our pores get clogged and the skin needs extra help to remove dead skin cells and accumulated dirt. Exfoliate your skin once a week for even toned, soft and radiant skin.


These 6 simple tricks will keep your skin looking and feeling radiant throughout the winter! Remember that the skin takes over 20 days to renew itself, so you’ll really start noticing the benefits after the third week.


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