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In today’s hectic world, many of us have experienced brain fog. This often manifests as trouble concentrating, scattered thinking, feeling dull, unmotivated, poor memory, forgetfulness and generally having cloudy thoughts.
Brain fog is an indication of inflammation in the body. Our cells become easily fatigued and we lose our ability to focus for long periods. Chronic inflammation can be caused by a poor diet and lifestyle.
To overcome this, it is important to include anti-inflammatory foods and make healthy lifestyle choices.
Poor sleeping habits, especially going to bed after midnight and getting up later in the morning. Going to bed on a full stomach directly contributes to a foggy thinking the next day.
Processed foods
Too many refined carbs, alcohol, caffeine, sugary foods and sodas spike blood sugar levels, leaving you feeling lethargic and lacking concentration. In addition, irregular eating habits and skipping meals also triggers brain fog.
Hormonal imbalances
Hormone related problems such as adrenal fatigue, menopause or periods of high stress and anxiety.
Environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides and pollutants
The second brain
Poor gut health. There is a strong correlation between the digestive system and the brain.
Here are some wonderful foods that are anti-inflammatory and heal the gut, stabilise blood sugar and generally strengthen brain function. Make sure to include them into your daily diet.
What foods should I avoid?
Gluten, wheat, trans fats, processed baked goods, table salt, alcohol, sugar, animal protein, dairy, food additives, synthetic sweeteners, refined carbohydrates and fried foods.
What other healthy habits can improve brain fog?
Meditation has been scientifically proven to benefit the brain especially improved concentration and focus.
Our brains are almost 75% water, therefore, it is very important to make sure we have enough fluids. Dehydration causes your brain to shut down and not function at its full capacity. As well as enjoying mineral water and herbal teas, fruits and vegetables can fulfil your fluid requirements.
Spend time outdoors
Our brains need sunshine, exercise, fresh air and natural light. Vitamin D contributes to our good mood and low levels can create cloudy thinking and a lack of motivation. Letting your eyes and face soak up the natural light for a few minutes sends a message to the brain that it needs to wake up and that foggy sensation quickly disappears.
Rosemary essential oil is known as “the herb of remembrance”. Rosemary is calming and helps to alleviate mental fatigue and regulate the nervous system. If you suffer from memory loss or anxiety, use a few drops of rosemary essential oil on a cotton ball and inhale deeply to clear the mind and make good decisions.
If you feel like you’re suffering from brain fog, follow Melanie Waxman’s, expert in nutrition, nutritional and lifestyle advice to reduce or completely eliminate your symptoms!
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