
Exercises for a healthy heart
Exercises for a healthy heart

SHA Magazine Fitness

Exercises for a healthy heart

January 21, 2014

How to prevent cardiovascular disease

What are cardiovascular diseases?

Cardiovascular diseases or heart diseases are those health problems related to the functioning of the heart and now represent a major cause of mortality in developed countries, causing more deaths than cancer and AIDS together.

How can prevent heart disease?

The basic recommendations of the World Health Organization are to maintain a healthy and balanced diet (no excess salt, sugar and cholesterol), do daily exercise, avoiding stress and anxiety, try to rest properly and quit smoking, since nicotine is directly related to many of the most common heart diseases.

What kind of sport must be done to have a healthy heart?

Every sport is healthy in proportion. It is scientifically proven that a physically active lifestyle is associated with a reduction in the frequency and mortality of cardiovascular disease in both men and women irrespective of age.

It is advisable to practise at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day and around 4 or 5 times a week to strengthen the heart. In addition, scientific studies have shown it is equally beneficial to perform three sets of 10-minute exercises a unique series of 30 minutes, which gives us more flexibility if we do not have enough time.

Since the 90, distinguished partnerships in the world of health as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM ) , you recognize the potential health benefits of regular physical exercise performed more frequently, but at lower intensities. What it is to stay active and not performing sports specific excesses that could even come to harm our cardiovascular health.

Are there some physical exercises especially recommended for your heart?

The most recommended exercises are aerobic ones, exercising the heart continuously, without causing major disruption to point our heartbeats. The most recommended sports for a healthy heart are running, swimming and cycling, continuous aerobic exercises that help control our blood pressure.

Periodic check-up of the heart

In addition to the above recommendations, it is very important to perform regular medical checkups to make sure that our heart is working properly, especially if you have a family history of heart disease, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes or obesity.

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