
Facial treatment with diamonds
Facial treatment with diamonds

SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Facial treatment with diamonds

January 28, 2014

Dazzling Face: diamond microdermabrasion

diamond microdermoabrasion
Facial with diamond crystals

Microdermabrasion with Crystal Diamond is a last generation facial treatment looking to get an immediate flash effect on your skin with personalized combination of aesthetic medical treatments with therapeutic cosmetics, achieving to rejuvenate, hydrate and firm the skin naturally, without any type of tire, side effects or pain.

What is facial microdermabrasion?

This treatment uses the microdermabrasion aesthetic technique, one of the latest technologies developed to assist natural cell renewal through exfoliation which allows to reach the deeper layers of the skin where there are no impurities, wrinkles or staining.

What is the difference between microdermabrasion and other facial peels?

The diamond microdermabrasion achieves similar results to superficial peelings but in a less aggressive manner that allows instant skin recovery and makes the patient can come back to normal live immediately. All scrub treatmentshave the same objective: to eliminate various skin imperfection, but differ according to the degree of depth to arrive.

What role do the diamond crystals in this facial treatment?

Pure diamond crystals are characterized by removing more deeply the epidermal debris and remove dead cells without pain, promoting cell regeneration of the skin, increasing the production of collagen and, therefore, the elasticity of the skin.

Results of Diamonds facial

After microdermabrasion treatment, the results are immediate. Skin looks and feels soft, smooth, blackheads get soft so that they are easy to remove, acne scars and stretch marks are less visible, enlarged pores, fine lines are less prominent, and oxygen and nutrients from the blood stream to the surface of the skin to repair tissue quickly and efficiently.

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