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SHA Magazine Fitness

Fat-Burn Routine at the Gym

SHA Wellness Clinic
January 14, 2020

Cardio is a fundamental physical exercise when performing a sports routine. Practicing it will improve our endurance, breathing and heart rate. It also means a faster caloric burn and will help us to keep our metabolism healthy by strengthening our heart and lungs.

We should set a realistic goal based on your starting point. That’s why we want to share with you this fat-burning routine that will help you lose weight and improve your physical condition.

Wanting to reach your goal in an accelerated manner can lead to injury or loss of motivation. In addition, accompanying this routine with a proper diet and nutrition habits will make it a perfect match.


STEP 1: Walk for 1 min.

fat burn, fitness

STEP 2: Run for 2 minutes.

fitness, fat burn

STEP 3: Repeat step 1 and 2 for 7 times.

STEP 4: Choose between step machine/eliptical 20 minutes.

STEP 5: Jumping Jacks for 30 seconds and rest for 45 seconds.

STEP 6: Sprint for 30 seconds and rest 45 seconds.

STEP 7: Repeat step 5 and 6 for 6 times.

Don’t forget to strecht!


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