
Ginger benefits
Ginger benefits

SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Ginger benefits

July 11, 2013

Ginger is one of the healthiest seasonings there are and also gives very particular taste to our healthy cuisine. The properties of ginger are numerous and have been recognized since antiquity, because ginger provides many health benefits. For this reason, it takes many centuries being used in Asian cooking, though in small amounts.

ginger properties

Ginger benefits

  • Ginger has stimulating properties that help reduce stomach pain and remove gas. It is especially useful for stomach gastritis and indigestion as it not only relieves stomach pains but also prevents nausea and vomiting.
  • Ginger helps prevent cardiovascular diseases as it has an effect that prevents platelet thrombus formation and also improves the general blood circulation.
  • Ginger acts as a natural analgesic, helping to eliminate headaches, flu-like processes, and so on.
  • Ginger is also known for its anti-inflammatory
  • Ginger is high in antioxidants that act as anti-aging
  • Like many other spicy foods, ginger is an aphrodisiac food, so it helps to increase sexual appetite.

How to take ginger?

Ginger has a very particular taste that is well suited to both savory and sweet dishes to make a lot of ginger recipes as this ginger flan.

ginger recipes

  • Ginger juice: ginger juice extracted from old ginger rhizomes (roots) and you should take it with caution because it is quite spicy. It is used to add some fruit juices such as apple, carrot or lemon juice, to flavor some healthy dishes and even to some teas and medicinal remedies.
  • Ginger oil: the natural ginger oil is very good for dressing salads and vegetable soups, cook healthy sauces, and so on. It also has many aromatic properties.
  • Ginger dust or grated ginger: especially useful for flavoring stews and salads.
  • Ginger Tea: ginger tea is made with two tablespoons of ginger root powder dissolved in a pint of hot water.
  • Gingersnaps: popular gingerbread cookies, especially traditional at Christmas time because ginger helps combat the cold.

Despite all these benefits of ginger, it is not recommended to take in large quantities because of its strong flavor and aroma. It is advisable to take about 2 grams a day.

Furthermore, it can also be applied externally in the form of ginger compresses, a therapeutic treatment that stimulates the blood flow, inflammation and relaxes calm tight tissues.

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