accomplish your new year resolutions
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SHA Magazine Wellness & Relax

How to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions

SHA Wellness Clinic
January 4, 2016

We all make (or should make) New Year’s resolutions when December comes to an end. These resolutions will make us change those things that prevent us from being happy or become a better person. But accomplishing these New Year’s resolutions is never easy. We are completely decided on the 1st of January, but have forgotten it all by March (being optimistic).

Whith these tips we are sharing today we would like to help you accomplish your New Year’s resolutions and become a source of inspiration and motivation for you.



Take time to think

Think what you need to change in your life to accomplish the goals you have in mind. What is preventing you from it? Which changes do you need to develop?
Remember to set achievable changes and objectives not to fall in frustration.


Write it down

Put your resolutions in writing so they do not fall on deaf ears. Either a list in a notebook or a nice list that decorates the wall, you should be able to consult it from time to time as a reminder. A good idea is to accompany the list with images that make your purposes more visual.


Motivational reading

There are many books that can help you motivate. Have a look at this Motivation Books section on Amazon.


Ask for support

Tell those around you which are your goals and ask them to help you achieving them with their help. Some words of encouragement will be appreciated in moments of weakness.


Share objectives

It will be easier to accomplish your goals if you share them with someone else with the same objectives. Mutual support can be very motivating!


Share your achievements

Sharing success is also very important. Recognition will make you want to keep fighting to get what you want.


Make use of social networks

You can find many people with the same purposes as yours in social networks. Plus you can follow motivation accounts that remind you every day the message you need to hear. You can count on our #WednesdayMotivation every week, and with accounts like @robinsharma or @motivationwall, which will bring out the best in you.


Revise your resolutions

Fix a date for a resolutions’ revision. If you haven’t accomplished some of them or haven’t even started, it’s time to start over.


Extra motivation

If all these tips are not enough to accomplish you New Year’s resolutions, we present this video with which SHA starts a healthier than ever 2016, full of good resolutions and new learning.
Maybe it’s time to discover how wonderful it can be to be the best version of your self.


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