consejos para aumentar la autoconfianza

SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

10 tips to increase self-confidence

SHA Wellness Clinic
March 2, 2016

We are not born with self-confidence. This is a process to be constructed throughout our life thanks to self-esteem and experience. Self-confidence level is not something linear and stable. It has ups and downs depending on the situations we experiment. Nevertheless, some of us are suffering a more important lack of self-confidence. If you are in this situation, we give you 10 tips to start using as soon as you read this post.


1. Accept yourself: give you the right to have opinions about any subject, make them yours without denigrate or deny them. Your opinions are as acceptable as somebody’s else.


2. Make a list with your talents and qualities: if we don’t have self-confidence, it is often because we think that we are not smart, attractive or intelligent enough, but each of us has qualities and talents. Write them down in a notebook and read it when you need it.


3. Stop comparing yourself with others: you will always find somebody taller, richer or smarter than you. It is not about a competition but about accepting yourself; so focus on you!


4. Connect with others: it is important to try to meet new people since this is a good way to affirm you. Once you have established the contact, do not forget to maintain eye contact.


5. Dress up and make up as you like: your exterior appearance gives you self-confidence. You don’t have to be fashionable or to dress elegant. It is worth only if you dress up and make up according to your tastes.


6. Improve your posture and smile: it permits to transmit a good image of ourselves to others but it also has an influence on what we think about ourselves. So this is important to maintain a rigid and firm posture with straight back. About the smile, it makes you look more secure and positive.


7. Adopt the Coué method: it consists in repeating sentences as “I can do it”, “I have the capacities to…” every morning and night. In this way, you encourage positive thoughts and increase self-confidence.


8. Face situations instead of fleeing: Once the problems are solved, you will be happy to have done it and will realize that you have enough qualities to get through any situation.


9. Make sport: sport permits to surpass yourself, which is very good to reaffirm your capacities.


10. Positivism notebook: if you suffer a lack of self-confidence maybe it is because you see only the negative side of your life. Every night, in a nice notebook, write down 3 positive things that happened to you during the day. It will help you focus only on the bright side and to augment your self-confidence.


Now you have everything in your hands to increase your self-confidence and get a better life. Do you have other tips to share with us?


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