
SHA Magazine Fitness

Personalized fitness plan: health and fitness

July 25, 2017

Is fitness simply a means to achieve an ideal body or can it offer us many more benefits? In this post, we’ll go over all that we can obtain from this discipline, especially in our Center. You’ll be able to have access to a personalized, accompanied fitness options, in addition to holistic therapies, traditional Chinese medicine, nutritional therapies, etc. that will help you find all the advantages of this (quite fashionable) discipline in the shortest time possible and with the greatest guarantees.

Advantages of personalized fitness

Leaving aside the positive repercussion on self-esteem that simply toning our body provides, this discipline has the possibility to offer us much more.

We can’t forget that, by practicing it, we’ll reduce the risks that obesity entails and we’ll keep ourselves from falling into a sedentary lifestyle, thus avoiding a series of associated cardiovascular problems.

In addition, doing exercise releases a hormone, dopamine; this literally makes us happy, and others known as oxytocin and endorphins, another hormone involved in suppressing painful sensations. Combined with the disciplines offered at our Center, this is perfect for helping persons that suffer from chronic pain, and will provide us with a feeling of calm and tranquility, freeing us from the stress we’re subjected to daily in our society.

In addition, various studies demonstrate that fitness exercises practiced at least three times per week for approximately one hour per session reduce the risk of suffering illnesses, since it strengthens the immune system. Some examples where exercise has shown to have significant impact are the flu (reducing possibility of catching it by 25-50%), significant reduction in risk of suffering colon cancer, overweight and obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, ocular diseases, etc.

So we shouldn’t ever forget that all this must be accompanied, in all cases, by a proper diet, like the one you’ll be able to find at Sha Wellness Clinic. We have the best professionals trained in nutrition who will offer you a varied and delicious range of healthy products that will perfectly complement the exercises you’ll be able to practice at our center.

With these routines, accompanied by our holistic and professional therapies in traditional Chinese medicine, you’ll greatly improve or bone and muscular structure, encouraging the creation of new bone and avoiding weakening of bones already formed. All this would be ideal for persons who have begun to notice pain in these systems and, moreover, the exercises will help us reduce the risk of suffering osteoporosis, which increases with age.

We have to be clear: we have to focus on fitness. If we do that whatever kind of fatigue associated with practicing sports will be worth it due to benefits we will obtain. Our physical shape will notably improve, we’ll feel strong, resistant and healthier. We’ll have enthusiasm and energy to do anything.

In addition, we’ll also experience mental changes. We’ll feel happier, fulfilled and free of any kind of stress that could affect us. In short, we’ll be ready to take on the world. Combined with our complementary therapies provided by the best-trained professionals, you’ll have a recipe for health in your hands. What are you waiting for? Come to our Center and start to notice all these changes right now.

We recommend you download our SHA Fitness Program, whose aim is to improve your physical condition, returning overall well-being to your body through a personalized fitness plan.


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