
SHA Magazine Wellness & Relax

Work-related stress: how to fight it

SHA Wellness Clinic
July 20, 2017

Stress is one of the greatest evils of the 21st century. In developed countries, it is calculated that over seventy percent of the population suffers from stress, to a lesser or greater extent, and stress is affecting more and more younger people, even children.

The fiendish pace of life demanded of us by jobs, cities and daily responsibilities is the principal source of our supposed state of well-being.

If we had to define stress, we could say that it’s a state of mental exhaustion caused by a demand for higher than usual performance, thus causing physical and mental diseases. There’s also a biological definition that describes a conglomeration of alterations in the body resulting from certain types of repetitive stimuli, for example fear and anxiety. From the latter definition, we can deduce that we are subjected to these states of panic and nervousness and over time more or less serious disorders we may begin to develop.

Currently, job performance is an extremely pressing demand, with nearly impossible-to-meet deadlines. For this reason, work-related stress is one of the main causes for medical leave in our country.


Symptoms of stress

Stress may cause various kinds psychological as well as physical symptoms. Some of these are:

  • Emotional disorders such as depression, anxiety, fear, irritability, nervousness, mood swings and even confusion.
  • Negative or obsessive thoughts, excessive self-criticism or fear in making decisions.
  • Compulsive behaviour such as nervous laughter, eating disorders, substance abuse including alcohol, tobacco or drug use, or involuntary grinding of teeth.
  • Physical changes such as having sweaty palms or cold hands, suffering regular headaches, sleep disturbances, rashes, sexual dysfunction or gastrointestinal problems.

The symptoms may be varied, and even unexpected things can happen to us that have no explanation other than a state of constant nervousness. Depending on the degree to which we suffer, the signs of this condition will be more or less intense.

Consequences of stress

When we suffer from this disorder for a long period of time, our health can be considerably affected.

Job stress can lead to diseases as serious as diabetes, heart disease, or cerebrovascular problems, among others.

How to fight stress

If you or anyone around you is suffering from chronic or acute stress, it is essential to take the bull by the horns and confront the problem head on as soon as possible.

It may seem easy to say it, but it’s a fact: you have to take less things to heart. When a problem is put in perspective, the solution frequently ends up appearing by itself like magic. Though it’s also true that it’s not always possible to see things from the outside and relax.

There are many options for different therapies such as yoga, Tai Chi, general sports or going to a wellness centre where we can disonnect for a few days and give our bodies a boost.


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