
SHA Magazine Wellness & Relax

Recover from the holidays

April 6, 2015

No matter if it’s Easter, Christmas or Summer Holidays but once we have some free days, we loose our routine and most of times the healthy habits we already had.
A poor and careless diet, the excess of food or alcohol, a messy sleeping or the exposure to sun can take its toll on and make the recover from holidays even harder.

We recommend you to pay attention to these four aspects in order to recover from the holidays and get back to the well being.

1. Diet

Fight the excesses eating regularly and healthy (maybe more strictly than usual) the week after your return. It’s not about loosing weight, but about re-balancing the organism. If you can not recover only with the diet, try these home remedies for constipation, one of the most common symptoms of travelers.

If you still feel that you need something stronger, you can always count on SHA Wellness Clinic detox program. Remember that Spring and Autumn are the best times to detox.


dieta tras las vacaciones

2. Rest

Sometimes we sleep less and worse during the holidays, due to timetable changes and scenario. To recover the dear rest we suggest you to try the benefits that physical exercise may bring, as well as this 7 dinner plan to sleep better.

3. Belleza

Most of us like to look tan, but unfortunately it doesn’t last long, especially during Spring. If you’d like to make it last longer don’t mis these tips.
If you noticed that your skin looks damaged we recommend these facial (after winter) treatments.



4. Exercise

It may be the nice weather or the fact that the days are longer, but the truth is that Spring invites to practice sport and not even the lack of time of ugly weather can be used as excuses now. Have a look to these outdoor sports and choose one to practice. It won’t only help your body, but your mind, which also suffers after the holidays.

if you work on these 4 four aspects you will recover from the holidays and also feel even better than before leaving!





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