
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

Spring Cleansing

April 3, 2018

The start of a new season, especially spring, is the perfect time to cleanse the body, mind and soul. In fact, there’s a reason why ‘spring cleaning’ is a common practice carried out in many cultures. It’s an opportunity to detox and reset the body after the colder months, where the body accumulates toxins from the heavier foods we eat, the time spent indoors with excess heating and lack of fresh air, and the less active lifestyle we live.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is a time to detox, rebalance the organism, strengthen the immune system, lose weight and boost energy. It’s also the perfect window of time before the summer to get into shape and boost your health. At SHA Wellness Clinic, we recommend the Intensive Detox and Weight-Loss programme to detox and rejuvenate the body, whilst following a fitness routine to get fit.

The best way to achieve optimum and long-lasting results during a spring detox is by learning the fundamental foundations of a healthy lifestyle. We don’t believe in crash diets or depriving your body during a certain period of time, with the aim of achieving quick results. In the long term, this doesn’t work, and in fact, it’s proven that the rebound effects cause you to gain weight and create an unhealthy vicious circle. That’s why, we recommend doing a spring cleanse following a healing and detoxing diet created by nutritional experts, whilst enhancing the benefits with natural therapies and sticking to a personalised fitness plan.


Take advantage this April to take time to detox your body and boost your fitness plan, whilst also disconnecting your mind in an ideal destination. Start spring at SHA Wellness Clinic feeling your best!


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