
SHA Magazine Healthy Nutrition

Umeboshi, the King of alkaline foods: a must add to your healthy diet

SHA Wellness Clinic
July 17, 2018

Almost 200 years ago, the Japanese began experimenting with ways to concentrate the healing power of Umeboshi. Like many of Japan’s ancient medicinal foods, the origen of the pickled plum is unclear. Umeboshi is the result of the fermentation of one type of plum (prunes meme) along with salt and shiso leaves (perilla frutescens). In fact, its pink color derives from the leaves. It has a salty and sour taste and is used both for its medicinal and culinary properties.

The name derives from its alkaline composition which counteracts the body’s acidity, neutralises the excess intake of meat, dairy and sugar, stimulates digestion, and promotes the elimination of toxins. This coveted ingredient contains twice as much protein, minerals, iron and calcium as other fruits, and helps with liver function thanks to its detoxifying effect. Although it is considered a natural laxative, it mainly stimulates the digestive system while increasing the body’s defences.

Other benefits include helping with stomach problems such as nausea, appetite loss, dizziness, bad breath, morning sickness in pregnancy, fatigue and premature ageing. Aside from their overpowering strong flavour, Japanese pickled plums have remarkable medicinal qualities. Not only is it a potent hangover remedy, it is also recommended for those suffering from anemia and blood ailments. An umeboshi a day is regarded as one of the best preventive medicine available.

Umeboshi paste is an extremely versatile seasoning. Use it to add a pleasant tartness to salad dressings, dips, spreads, marinades, soups, cooked vegetables and other sauces.


Adding umeboshi to your diet can be very beneficial! Try this amazing food!


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