
SHA Magazine Wellness & Relax

Wellness Clinic, what is it?

March 25, 2018

The term “Wellness clinic” is not fully known by their users. For this reason, we will define what it, we will tell you what it consists of and what kind of treatments these establishments offer. Will you come with us?


The term wellness refers to the well-being of the person. It is not, therefore, exclusively linked to aesthetic treatments but also to a new way of approaching the life of each client. It is a is joint effort, both by the clinic that offers its services and by the person who requires them

Its creator

For Halbert L. Dunn, founder of this stream, well-being occurs as a consequence of putting a totally different philosophy of life into practice. As you can suppose, a clinic with these attributes is not a gym or an aesthetic center. Undoubtedly, it is much more.

What can you find in a Wellness Clinic?

An establishment focused on holistic wellness will provide you with:

Specific treatments to suit your needs. The first step is to visit a specialist to assess your physical condition and, specifically, what you need. You may prefer to control your weight and to eliminate accumulated toxins, to better control your stress, to rejuvenate or to simply recover after a long period of activity.

Total integration with the method. Diet, exercises and programmed activities are always tailored to respect the needs and conditions of each person. Our method includes a more balanced diet, an exercise program, continuous check-ups with our doctors and complementary activities such as visits of specialists.

Preventive medicine. It is essential to anticipate a disease and to avoid it. The use of an up to date and efficient medication prepare your body ready so that your stay in the clinic can be revulsive that will enable you to face a new stage in your life.

Necessary concentric aspects. The services of these clinics make up a large circle of which other concentric circles take part. We are referring to genetic medicine to delay ageing, aesthetic medicine, internal balance, the changing of habits, natural therapies, improving your nutrition, cognitive stimulation or fitness.

The quest for physical and mental balance. It is, possibly, the pillar of this type of establishments. Physical ailments are the reflection of some mental problems and vice versa. The choice of treatments and disciplines to achieve your own balance is essential in achieving success.

A quality retreat

In most of the cases, these clinics are placed in paradise like places that help their clients to completely disconnect from their everyday routine. In addition, you can stay as long as you deem necessary to turn your rest into a new way to take advantage of vacations and to tune up your organism.

We hope we have clarified the most important points so that you have learnt what these interdisciplinary spaces consist of and how they can easily foster a change your state of health.

It depends on you to entrust a wellness clinic that is up to your demands and that allows you to know, first, what happens to you and, later, how you can achieve the desired balance between body and mind to have an optimal quality of life.



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