
SHA Magazine Health & Beauty

What is emotional health and how can we take care of it?

SHA Wellness Clinic
March 6, 2023
Body and mind are two sides of the same coin. That’s why physical diseases affect the emotional sphere, and vice versa.

As Cinthya Molina, a psychologist at SHA Wellness Clinic, explains: “The World Health Organisation defines mental health not only as the absence of mental disorders but as a complete and balanced state of physical, mental and social well-being where each individual can develop all of their capacities, face the ordinary stress of daily life, work in a productive way and contribute to the community. In short, it implies a positive feeling that combines individual well-being with functioning in society because, let’s not forget, human beings are social beings”.

The first step to enjoying good mental health is accepting that frustration, rage, fear, uncertainty or sadness are all natural emotions that, sooner or later, are going to form part of our lives. When we are faced with these negative feelings, if we take them on with a positive attitude, we’ll keep them from becoming an anchor that doesn’t allow us to progress. As Cinthya explains: “scientific bibliography tells us that people with a greater capacity to adapt and take on stressful situations in life, meaning, people who are more resilient, have an incredible factor of protection against mental illnesses.”

However, the emotional balance does not depend solely on learning to manage stress, because all parts of the human body are linked and interconnected and communicate with each other constantly. Cinthya confirms this: there is a direct and bidirectional connection between the emotional and physical planes. That is why diseases in the physical realm are projected on an emotional level, and vice versa.”

Good emotional health depends, and very much so, on lifestyle habits: the healthier, the better. Following a healthy and balanced diet, rich in seasonal fruit and vegetables, whole grains, pulses, seeds, nuts and seaweed and free from ultra-processed foods, refined flours and sugars and alcohol, will stave off emotional fluctuations and mental confusion or fog. Practicing regular moderate physical activity is also an essential factor that has a direct influence on mental health and favours the body-mind balance. When we exercise, the body segregates hormones, such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, that help us to release tension and control stress, reduce anxiety, improve restorative rest and increase energy levels.

Reaching the phase of restorative rest every night is essential because this is when the brain activates the cleaning mechanisms to eliminate cell waste, we recover from psychological fatigue and strengthen our cognitive capacities. On the other hand, when we don’t sleep well, the toxins accumulate and can cause certain pathologies such as dementia.

Our expert also recommends “limiting the consumption of negative information, being grateful, connecting with others, being charitable (when we help others, our body releases oxytocin, which generates pleasure and happiness), practicing mindfulness, focusing on the present, making short-term plans and not overusing social media. Finally, it is important to pay attention to mental health indicators, such as good self-esteem, capacity to adapt to our surroundings, good social relationships, having a good mood and optimism. People with these characteristics enjoy better mental health.”


If you want to know more about caring for your emotional health, Click here


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