
¿Qué es la hidroterapia de colon?
¿Qué es la hidroterapia de colon?

SHA Magazine Holistic

What is hydro-colontherapy?

October 9, 2012

Also known as colonic irrigation, colon lavage or colonic flush, hydro-colon therapy is a safe and effective method of cleansing the colon of waste material by applying a plentiful amount of water at different temperatures with controlled pressure in the intestine.

They are used an average of 20 liters of water per session.Waste material can build up in our colon and the muscular action of the colon can be diminished resulting in constipation and inadequate bowel movements that hurt our quality of life.

Historically, anthropological studies show that people have regularly purified their bodies since ancient Egypt, including colon cleansing. Around the turn of the 20th century, the present day colonic equipment was developed. Up to the late 20′s many doctors had colonic systems in their surgeries and similar equipment were found in hospitals too. Articles dealing with colon health frequently appeared in prestigious medical and scientific journals until the early 1930′s. However, with the II World War this therapy eventually disappeared. Fortunately, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in alternative therapies as a natural approach to health and colonics has regained popularity.

colon therapy

In the large intestine are accumulated remains that is advisable to removeSHA Wellness Clinic, in keeping with this philosophy, has been among the first centers in Spain to incorporate this natural therapy as part of its ongoing quest to provide the best treatments to improve your health and wellness.

Although many people may feel fear or respect to this therapy, the vast majority of them go out tremendously pleased, because since the first application it gives a remarkable sense of wellbeing and lightness. However, to achieve a thorough cleaning and a deep therapeutic effect is recommended a series of two or three sessions of 45 minutes each.

Recommendations for going under this effective therapy are simple: go nearly fasting (having taken only liquids like tea or miso soup) and wondering to feel better. After treatment you can eat without problems and return to routine quite normally, not forgetting the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.


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