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SHA Magazine Wellness & Relax
Oh my goodness! I think it’s the right expression for what I felt when I knew I was pregnant.
Life is a continuous act of creativity with a million things going on every second. Isn’t it great? Being pregnant is a beautiful act of creativity. It means to be immersed in a creation act where the baby and the mother are part of a team that makes a wonderful journey ending on the delivery.
To be born is an involuntary, wild and beautiful act, where everything we can do is to put consciousness and love, one thing leads to another. Yoga will help us put consciousness in this process. During pregnancy the body will experience changes and processes unknown until now. Also emotions and moods experience changes and yoga for pregnant women help live them with more tranquillity and consciousness. Introducing some time for yoga in our routine means a healthy habit, a time that will allow being in contact with yourself and the baby.
Pregnancy is a process of continuous change, during which asanas and breathing or body exercises are adapted in each quarter, at all times. Breathing takes presence, becoming a great companion throughout pregnancy and childbirth. It will help both toning, energizing, and finding silence, mental and emotional calm so important at this time, allowing to live with more serenity and consciousness all the changes and feelings that are to be experiencing.
Yoga practicing will help find great wellbeing at all levels: physical, mental and emotional during all the process and prepares for the birth. Mother and baby are a team, thus the baby will also share the wellbeing and calm.
Have a save journey!
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